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[+] [deleted] 11 pts
[–] 5 pts

We pay the biggest pool of taxes you ZioTwat fuck! Why the fuck should any of us pay taxes anymore when it’s so obvious our ZOG government is targeting us.

[–] 1 pt

Why did you ever pay taxes haha.

[–] 1 pt

How does one not pay? Like physically not pay? Is that possible at any step in the process (even ignoring the legal consequences?)

[–] 2 pts

Start a business that is only profitable every couple years.

You don't go to zero, but you can get damn close. Don't fuck around with sales tax though.

[–] 4 pts

Dear Government,

I now identify as black, hispanic, and disabled gay native american.

-- Devonte "Broken Rainbow Hawk" Santiago

[–] 3 pts

In fairness, Trump also only ever spoke of minorities. Even on Jan 6th he was giving Americans the spiel about how he was the greatest evar for the minorities. Thankfully it went over poorly with the Americans in attendance.

Kushner convinced him that they're like electrolytes: they're what the White voters crave.

The GOP also strongarmed Trump into royally screwing over millions of Whites on their taxes. We know that the "Trump Tax Cuts" were no good because the GOP and the liberal media both call them the "Trump Tax Cuts", and you and I both know that those two groups would never give Trump credit for something actually good.

[–] 3 pts


just say you're a minority. legal definition of race is based on self-identification.

I foresee the democrats tying census data to a DL or something, so it cant be bullshitted. Hardly like commies like transparency or privacy, and this would tie back to their chip in the arm with all your info system

[–] 1 pt

what's DL? you can just say you identify as another race now. people are doing it with genders so why not.

Drivers License, or identification document. I guess as long as there's no tie, it doesnt matter, they cant do much anyways if you get caught except not hire you

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Well this is what happens when whites are cucked and addicted to consumerism.

The "revolution" could happen tomorrow without firing a single round. If white men just collectively decided to not show up for work, the country would collapse over night.

The elites know that niggers and women don't do any real work, but they also know they have white men wrapped around their fingers because we're all too individualistic and materialistic to sacrifice our conveniences to stick it to these niggerfaggots. They know they can ignore us, pander to niggers, and still count on our productivity and money, because we're zogbots through and through.

[–] 2 pts

We are getting exactly what we deserve. How is the keyboard trolling working out for us now? Did we wake Normies up? Enjoy the shit train.

[–] 2 pts

Is everyone retarded? This is why you put your business in your wife's name. I tell this to every client and if they say they don't trust her I ask then why the fuck are you still married?

[–] 2 pts

At this point I am going to ask "Why are Americans who disagree still paying taxes to fund this government?"

Get together as a community, town, village, city, and collectively tell the government who is in control by not paying taxes.

No taxation without representation.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Bc they have jobs and you don’t and if you don’t pay taxes you go to prison

And the govt doesn’t need taxes as it’s infinite printing

[–] 2 pts

What line of work are you in? How exactly does one "not pay their taxes"?

My employer pays my taxes before they pay me. My retailer pays my taxes before I take home the goods that I purchase.

Either way, taxes are a joke and not really part of the equation. Without taxes, they'd do the same, just with slightly higher inflation.

[–] 2 pts

Change your employee paperwork so they don't auto with hold. You can say you have 10 dependants on the form for your employee so long as you are honest with the IRS. Just don't be a nigger and save some money in case you get a tax bill.

With the interest free loan to the government out of the way, now you start a small business. It does alright, but isn't profitable until your 3rd year or maybe you close, in the meantime the travel cost, cell phone and other expenses make it negative income.

[–] 1 pt

Common man. You know the thing. Cornpop he's a bad dude, i told him you cant have the billions of dollars dont believe me call Obama... and son-of-a-bitch just like that he fired the lawyer prosecuting hunter. And the kids on my lap in Vanderbilt's pool with the hairy legs n the cockroaches n the kidz rubbing my blond hairy legs, lost myself there ahh oh yeah i love kids on my lap.

Sure Mr Biden when your president you can have all the nuclear missile launch codes.

[–] 1 pt

white people don’t vote for democrats

[–] 0 pt

The retarded ones do

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
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