I don't understand basically anything in your commet.. must be New York lunacy.. Lower 3 amount of pay?
What kinds of fees/interest rates are applied to salaries in New York? Are you referring to taxes and devaluation due to inflation?
Does the employer have to at least payout the full salary regardless of what the terminated employee actually receives?
NYC calculates pensions and backpays on the hi-3 system which uses the top 3 earning years for calculating your pension. This is ONE of the reasons the NYC pension system will crash and burn, because the laws around it are insanely liberal. When it comes to backpay anything, its the opposite, they use every sick day and dock that, and the lowest earning years to calculate how much to give you. Took a week off on vacation? Well now its your salary - 1 week pay, etc. On top of this, similar to the way the IRS does it, NYC can retroactively charge management fees and not charge any interest because technically, NYC can just say it was your fault and they werent obliged to do so
(post is archived)