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[–] 0 pt 3y

Lol. Everyone on the internet is an entrepreneur bitcoin mogul. Even in your mommy's basement.

I was in her basement a few times. It's dusty and drafty.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

And all you do is cry and cry about your slavery begging better men to solve your problems for you. I don't trade bitcoin ive got a family. 2 kids with a third on the way. I work with my hands and use machinery I sacrificed to acquire or created with sweat blood and exchange of ideas. I'm sure you blame everyone else for your impotent sterility too and lack of any meaning in your life. You make assumptions and project straw men at people and gaslight like the jew because deep down you know your dead inside and your days are numbered along with the system you are beholden too. All you can do is downvote like a petulant child and black pill. You are the enemy.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Ooh. I touched a nerve.

Nope, I don't expect anybody's help. I expect people who insult others for there circumstances (you) to nut up or shut up.

Which you aren't doing. I am glad you have what you have, though I'm sure your kids are well fed and housed.

But rather than insult others, you could help them. Or shut the fuck up. Your opinion doesn't matter but you couldn't keep it to yourself.

Maybe you should spend this time working, as you day you do, or being with your kids. If they aren't imaginary. I don't know a married person with machines who wastes time insulting people on the internet. Or gets mad at fake internet points.