Yep. For anyone not aware of the BRCC/Voat episode:
Yep. For anyone not aware of the BRCC/Voat episode:
Fellow coffee drinkers. I want to assure you that I'm just like you. As a company, we pride ourselves on upholding the ideals that our great nation was founded on. But we also have to keep in mind that its founding was not based upon a stagnant, unchanging dogma. Therefore, fellow coffee drinkers, we have to adapt as the country your i mean our forefathers toiled and bled for evolves. Think of all the progress we have made and continue to make! We embrace this change as well, for it makes us stronger!!! We wouldn't want only French Roast, would we? No! We welcome a diversity in our coffee as we must welcome a diversity in our lands!
That is why I call on you all, fellow coffee drinkers, to embrace change, embrace progress, and report those racist, awful people who will stand in our way to our trusted good friends in the government. We must let them know that they are repugnant. We must let them know that we do not stand with those who want to preserve their own disgusting culture.
Shalom my fellow Cofveve drinker! Oh my GOODNESS it's always so nice to meet another one of my people amongst the rest of these people.
Hey folks, Nigger Rifle Coffee Company here, BRCs sister brand. We've decided to embrace and capitalize on the recent corporate support of Black Lives Matter by only accepting EBT as payment for our coffee blends.
Be sure to visit your local liquor store for our newest blend:
I hate being right about companies that, seemingly, appear out of no where to take advantage of an outrage.
here i am right on cue. for all of your coffee (and tea) needs, visit no politics, good prices, low spend threshold for free shipping and not charred crap coffee like black cancer coffee. bolo for coupon codes, too.
**no, i don't work for FRC. just a loyal customer.
It's a jew company.
Anyone remember when this company threatened to sue Voat?
I wish I could find the caps of the user that made the name BlackRifleCoffeeCancer after that happened.
Should be possible to pull up that stuff from
Ya, I know. Not in the mood to wade through that shitpile today though.
No. Details please.
Oh Canada ... say no more
They just pander to military obsessed bros anyways. Theyre gay
This guy is literally a CIA glowie. He brags about it. It's in the first paragraph or two of the article here:
I suspect the whole operation was to gather a list of Pro 2A guys. Now that he showed his true colors with the Kyle betrayal, most of his actual "Conservative" base has left, so they decided to shift Left and try to scrape up any Lefty gun guys. I know the second group is a lot smaller than the first, but they want ALL pro 2A types on a list.
Who wants super duper fag coffee anyway? Put your folgers in a percolator and quit being little bitches.
Here is a archive of the entire wall of faggotry NYT article:
(post is archived)