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For those that misunderstood - this is a criticism of (((vatican))) and (((churches))), not Christianity.

Also, niggers can't be Christian. It's a White man's faith.

For those that misunderstood - this is a criticism of (((vatican))) and (((churches))), not Christianity. Also, niggers can't be Christian. It's a White man's faith.
[–] 5 pts

The (((therapist))) is much more likely to be a jewish woman who wants to destroy your race.

[–] 3 pts

As a recovering Roman Catholic I agree.

[–] 2 pts

There is little from real ancient a Christianity that the Vatican hasn't tainted with its modifications.

James 5:16 has some direct instructions to confess your sins to one another.

Historic Christianity always included the practice of confession to a spiritual father, a trustworthy overseer in the church. The Eastern Orthodox has a staggeringly different approach to confession than the Roman Church.

[–] 2 pts

Still looking for the perfect Church...

[–] 2 pts

Church is people, your race, your kin, not some building where some cunt sits at the altar and claims to speak for the God.

God doesn't need an advocate.

[–] 2 pts

careful now anon, next you'll start debunking the rosary, and a horde of angry poal'r will be along to explain to you why praying to Mary is a good thing

[–] 1 pt

Don't sweat the larping hominid, he's just following the program.

[–] 0 pt

Show me on the doll where your priest touched you.

[–] 0 pt

Nowhere rabbi, but I am very well aware of jewish infiltration of (((churches))), and on ground level. We see you.