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(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 5 pts

Version I posted last July that is about the same size (1024x888), but not blurred:

An observation: I find it interesting that my post of the pic had only gotten 2 upvotes at that time and for the entire time it could be upvoted before it got archived, versus this one now that has accrued 21 and is a mere 4 hours old. Another pic I posted shortly after that one had gotten 46 upvotes. Mine was in /s/jewspiracy sub though. Again, just an observation I find interesting.

[–] 2 pts

Timing is important.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Absolutely. I didn't mean for my observation to come across as if it was about getting upvotes or about finding the right time to try to optimize how many a post might get. I don't care about that. I occasionally use upvote counts on jew-related posts to gauge the stance of the poal userbase toward jews. For a while things had started to get quite a reddit feel to me with regard to the type of things being posted, the posts that got upvoted, and the reddit-esque comments I would see getting posted.

This just got me to think back on those two images I shared within hours of each other. While those mere few hours difference between posting the two surely had an effect on the vast difference in upvotes that each got, I think the lack of interest in this image over the other may have had more to do with the sub I had chosen for it at that time and not as much to do with the time it was posted. Around that time there was an increase in "users" refusing to say jew and they would instead use "elites", "globalists", and other obfuscating terms to avoid naming the jew.

There also seemed to be a decrease in upvoting of anything stating the truth about jews, or the /s/jewspiracy and related subs, while at the same time I noticed an increase in the upvoting of pro-White posts as long as it didn't name the jew (edit: an increase in upvoting of pro-White posts is very good, but I found it odd how it seemed to only be pro-White posts that didn't name the jew, and ones that did name the jew did not get nearly as many).

Just odd things I've been noticing about the upvoting trends this past year, but I don't know if I am only seeing things that aren't really happening or are but don't really mean anything.

[–] 2 pts

I try (TRY) to keep some division between pro-White posts and jew posts, as I believe pro-White stuff should be based on us being proud of who we are.

Most people want 'easy to digest' content. Picture with a brief title will often get more upvotes than a long post with a lot of text and info, even though those are the ones I prefer.

I do remember the time when a lot of people here were aggressively avoiding naming the jew and spreading division among White people. Lot's of users fell for the propaganda but now most of them have managed to get themselves banned, so we have less users, but almost no problem makers too. What do you think of the current situation on Poal?

[–] 2 pts

that's because it's all about phrasing and when you post and not about the content, quality, nor importance of the content you posted

Thank you for always committing good work.

[–] 2 pts

You're welcome, and thank you. Sadly, I think your observation is correct and is also true for message boards of all kinds since the internet was created.

[–] 2 pts

It's because most people who spend alot of time online (not all, but the majority) are on the internet to cope with their failed miserable lives, and not to learn, build, and do something useful.

[–] 2 pts

It might be related to what day of the week and time you posted it.

[–] 3 pts

A based view of things.

[–] 1 pt

“white” vs “Native American”

[–] 2 pts

jews manufacturing strife as usual.

[–] 2 pts

When was this?

[–] 1 pt

Not sure anyone has even confirmed it's a real tweet.

[–] 1 pt

Based corn nigger.

[–] 1 pt

I think posts like this while true are actually bait to push the unhinged into doing something horrific. Some nigra gal posted something similar. No cohencidence.

[–] 1 pt

For me this was a call for unity and action. For someone who feels like he is backed up in a corner and sees no other way out it might sound like a call for a last desperate attempt at getting back at their enemies. This is why we must try to reach out to people like this and show them that we are here and they are not alone.

[–] 1 pt

Except these browns hate White people and only want to see Whites "punished". Has nothing to do with "we".

[–] 1 pt

I meant as if he is calling us Whites to unite and act, will be a cold day in hell before I would "unite" with a non-White. Even "honorary Aryans" japs have show how useful they are when relying on them to watch out backs. Non-Whites are only capable of thinking about their own ass, and this is why this fucker is calling us to stand against the jews. He is smart enough to know they would be worse off if jews won.

[–] 1 pt

Everyone knew Epstein didn't kill himself.

And we all so how little it mattered.

Oh, wait! No, no, no. NOW it matters guys. Because THIS TIME it's really important.

I'll just sit here and watch as I'm proven right, again.

[–] 0 pt

What would have to happen to prove you wrong? What would get you to say "it's happening, I want to join in and be a part of this"?

[–] 0 pt

What would get you to say "it's happening, I want to join in and be a part of this"?

Real people, in real life, actually doing something. Learned, skilled, God-fearing men coalescing in community to fight for the Kingdom of God. Where do I sign up for that?

What exactly am I presented with to join here? Seriously, what are you asking of me? To get online and post memes about kikes? Is that the big movement? What is being changed? How are we thwarting the evils, the tyrants?

Not sure if you've been paying attention for the past 10 years, but this message of "it's happening, people are waking up" has been a constant theme for DECADES. The Ron Paul "It's happening" meme was in 2012. That was 12 years ago. And trust me, back then, it was the same shit, "people are waking up!!!1!!". And what has happened since 2012? With all that waking up, what has been the result?

No, no. Man, trust me. THIS TIME it's different. THIS TIME things change. Because THIS TIME XYZ is different from the previous 8,747,374,837 times

I heard that back then, too.

[–] 0 pt

Have you ever considered starting an organization like this yourself?

[–] 1 pt

In all the reading you've done throughout your lives, have any of you ever heard the Indian with a feather blame the tiny hats for anything?

I have not. I have never heard of a Native vs. the Jew. Scenario, ever.

I call bullshit on this. Idk what the purpose is but I highly doubt this is the sentiment of any scalp takers. If anything they view Jews and Whites as one in the same.

[–] 1 pt

Meanwhile we have Undrip going on where Natives, the other never ending victims of White oppression and are now being given their lands back.