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[–] [Sticky] 13 pts

And that number doesn't include the additional property damage and loss, increased car and property insurance rates, uninhabitable neighborhoods lost, diminished educational and employment opportunities, restrictive laws to combat criminality, the dumbing down of language, the end of the space exploration program, and the loss of any watchable television since the Jeffersons last season ended. I'd say the true cost is in the 10s of Trillions.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

How about all the shopping deserts, food deserts, mall closings, affirmative action, aircraft mishaps and so on?

There's no doubt niggers are a net negative to society. There's no reason to have a single one present. White society would be much better off without them. Period.

Before you come up with cheap labor nonsense, consider that taxpayers subsidize them with welfare, so they work for less money for corporations (corporate welfare). On the other hand taxpayers pay them the difference so their lower pay for lower output makes their cost of living go down, while our cost of living goes up. We'd be much better paying higher IQ white people to do the jobs niggers do now. And if whites don't want to do those jobs, then, they simply won't get done. We'll have to figure out how to make that work.

Also, whites can play basketball ball, we don't need them for entertainment. Sure, a few niggers can sing, but I'm willing to let that go.