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[–] 6 pts

Don't be a victim.

The world is full of opportunity.

Gather as much capital as you can, as money makes money. Got a net worth of $0? Try to get $1,000 set aside. Got $1,000? Save for $10,000. If you don't have "dry powder" it's extremely difficult to multiply your value. If you are in debt, get out of debt, unless it's low interest.

Invest in yourself. If you spend all your time after work playing video games and watching netflix, don't bitch about not getting ahead. If you don't make enough money now, find the skills that would make you more valuable and learn those.

Cut out all the bullshit expenses. People judged us thinking we were too frugal. My wife and I made do with one shitty old vehicle, we never ate out, we spent very little on Christmas, we used hand-me-down clothes for the kids, and we built our net worth. Now we can buy whatever we want, and those people who judged us are still in the same paycheck-to-paycheck situation they were 10 years ago. (Even though they made a higher annual income).

[–] 1 pt

The love of money is the root of all evil

Why would you encourage anyone to chase Fiat currency paper?

It is completely worthless....

Backed by the full faith and trust in the US government....

Ain't nobody got full faith and trust in that shit show

That shit is completely worthless

Absolutely worthless

Not even worth one second of anybody time

It has the same value as the shit you took last

Flush it

And fuck you

[–] 2 pts

I concur with your perspective that fiat money, in and of itself, lacks intrinsic value. The primary aim should be resource accumulation. Currently, if you desire assets totaling a million dollars, such as firearms, food, land, machinery, or tools, you must possess a million dollars to obtain them.

Amassing substantial resources necessitates active participation in the financial landscape. This aligns with the biblical wisdom: "The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down" (Proverbs 21:20) and "Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow" (Proverbs 13:11).

I concur that balance is essential. A relentless pursuit of wealth for its own sake can lead to an unhealthy quest for power, which often corrupts individuals.

It's unwise to hoard all your money and wait for the devaluation of the USD. Instead, consider investing in assets that generate intrinsic value and contribute positively to society. If you have the means and skills to produce things that people want and need, then you will never go hungry, and not suffer poverty.

Our discussion is not centered on amassing immense wealth. Rather, it revolves around the notion of breaking free from the confines of wage slavery and acquiring valuable resources. Pursuing financial security and independence differs significantly from the relentless pursuit of wealth and power. Interestingly, the steps to break free from wage slavery are often the same steps that lead to continued wealth generation.

[–] 1 pt

The primary aim should be exercising our God given rights

Such as the right to water the tree of liberty

She is a mighty thirsty tree

[–] 0 pt

How many assets can you defend against the horde?

[–] 0 pt

Acquiring resources isnt evil, you pinko commie. Go read that in context before quoting it.

[–] 0 pt

Did I say a single word about acquiring resources?

Fucking idiot

Fiat currency is not a resource

It is literally worthless



You can chase all the worthless paper you can get, it's not going to do you any good

Watch what tomorrow brings

You think you own your possessions

Only as long as you can defend them

Think you can defend them against a gang of 200?