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[–] 6 pts

Don't be a victim.

The world is full of opportunity.

Gather as much capital as you can, as money makes money. Got a net worth of $0? Try to get $1,000 set aside. Got $1,000? Save for $10,000. If you don't have "dry powder" it's extremely difficult to multiply your value. If you are in debt, get out of debt, unless it's low interest.

Invest in yourself. If you spend all your time after work playing video games and watching netflix, don't bitch about not getting ahead. If you don't make enough money now, find the skills that would make you more valuable and learn those.

Cut out all the bullshit expenses. People judged us thinking we were too frugal. My wife and I made do with one shitty old vehicle, we never ate out, we spent very little on Christmas, we used hand-me-down clothes for the kids, and we built our net worth. Now we can buy whatever we want, and those people who judged us are still in the same paycheck-to-paycheck situation they were 10 years ago. (Even though they made a higher annual income).

[–] 1 pt

The love of money is the root of all evil

Why would you encourage anyone to chase Fiat currency paper?

It is completely worthless....

Backed by the full faith and trust in the US government....

Ain't nobody got full faith and trust in that shit show

That shit is completely worthless

Absolutely worthless

Not even worth one second of anybody time

It has the same value as the shit you took last

Flush it

And fuck you

[–] 2 pts

I concur with your perspective that fiat money, in and of itself, lacks intrinsic value. The primary aim should be resource accumulation. Currently, if you desire assets totaling a million dollars, such as firearms, food, land, machinery, or tools, you must possess a million dollars to obtain them.

Amassing substantial resources necessitates active participation in the financial landscape. This aligns with the biblical wisdom: "The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down" (Proverbs 21:20) and "Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow" (Proverbs 13:11).

I concur that balance is essential. A relentless pursuit of wealth for its own sake can lead to an unhealthy quest for power, which often corrupts individuals.

It's unwise to hoard all your money and wait for the devaluation of the USD. Instead, consider investing in assets that generate intrinsic value and contribute positively to society. If you have the means and skills to produce things that people want and need, then you will never go hungry, and not suffer poverty.

Our discussion is not centered on amassing immense wealth. Rather, it revolves around the notion of breaking free from the confines of wage slavery and acquiring valuable resources. Pursuing financial security and independence differs significantly from the relentless pursuit of wealth and power. Interestingly, the steps to break free from wage slavery are often the same steps that lead to continued wealth generation.

[–] 1 pt

The primary aim should be exercising our God given rights

Such as the right to water the tree of liberty

She is a mighty thirsty tree

[–] 0 pt

How many assets can you defend against the horde?

[–] 0 pt

Acquiring resources isnt evil, you pinko commie. Go read that in context before quoting it.

[–] 0 pt

Did I say a single word about acquiring resources?

Fucking idiot

Fiat currency is not a resource

It is literally worthless



You can chase all the worthless paper you can get, it's not going to do you any good

Watch what tomorrow brings

You think you own your possessions

Only as long as you can defend them

Think you can defend them against a gang of 200?

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Oh please, like this is the only generation that has to grow up, get a job and pay bills. Back when Carter was president interest rates were 15-29%, including mortgage rates. We couldn't afford anything. Gas lines were crazy, people fighting over gas, waiting in lines for hours; minimum wage little over $2/hr.

These kids have been indoctrinated with social emotional learning and have no idea how to navigate the real world. This is was shuckling communists do for gentile societies. Destroy.

"One third of my life will be spent sleeping, the other third working". No shit! Stop renting and buy! Drive an older car that's not a ton of money.

[–] 3 pts

Excuse me, sir. You seem to have challenged millennial whining. Next time, try to communicate with @stabem in a more appropriate way, such as commenting this: 🏆. We millennials are very fond of receiving participation trophies, and starting your communication this way let's us know we're all entitled to praise for trying. If you have any trouble with getting the emojis on your phone, perhaps your grandson or younger colleague could help you format your comment.

[–] 0 pt

I know lots of millennials that have their shit together and can see the forest for the trees. Rescuing the generation after that is the real challenge.

[–] 1 pt


[–] 2 pts

Stop renting and buy! Drive an older car that's not a ton of money.


[–] 3 pts

Some boomers had it shitty too. Blue collar boomers had it pretty rough, wages stagnant for decades, health insurance cost skyrocketed, only good thing was cars were fairly reasonable, and weren't all hi tech and you could fix them yourself.

I have a 2016 pos Ford . Needs a water pump. Should be easy right ? 3 bolts and a belt right ? Nope ! DROP THE MOTOR TAKE THE TIMING BELT OUT etc Fucking ridiculous

[–] 1 pt

Something satisfying about fixing it yourself. "God bless the child who can say I got my own".

[–] 0 pt

Ok, renter

[–] 1 pt


Were houses half a million dollars when Carter was president?

Things are much worse now.

I own my home but I remember living during the Carter administration

I saw a 700 square foot home on 1/8 acre lot sold for $250,000 in my town yesterday.

Nobody can afford that even on $50 an hour

Fuck you

[–] 0 pt

The cost of a house back then was 70-90k in a decent blue collar neighborhood. People were lucky if they made $7 an hour. My point of mentioning the mid 70's was not to say it was more difficult but to say each generation has faced tough times.

I'm experiencing the same shit everyone else is so just fuck yourself. Life isn't easy and crying about it and expecting the internet to rescue you, well, it aint gonna happen.

[–] 1 pt

In the mid 70's homes were $30 - $40 grand around here

[–] 5 pts

Coment section here is a great example of how an over individualistic society has failed us all.

not my problem he failed

If anon's life experience is different it isn't because he failed and you succeded it's more likely you got a better break, even if only marginally, better family, better luck or skill in making personal connections, got into your career or school before diversity displacement of whites had more stable years in your field of work, had better role models, advice, or any other circumstance.

Is it self victimization when 96% of new hires into fortune 500 companies in the last 3 years are non-white? Should these party pooping whites just bootstrap themselves? Maybe they would if they knew how, maybe they'd know how if the fabric of white society weren't shredded 20 years ago.

Instead of denying that our situation is grim because you want to play victim olympics or so fear our growing weakness and marginilization you bury your head in the sand maybe propose solutions.

Here's a thought, how can we produce longterm and intergenerational value to mitigate the decline of our wealth against inflation and other parasitism?

Firat practical thought is start a political campaign that can unite fringe politics by attacking an obvious and woeful evil harming us all, Designed Obsolescence robs value from our financial system and primarily harms the middle class.

Designed obsolesence is tolerated by governments because it makes gdp line go up but also keeps line more stable when people buy more often, the core of the problem is that gdp was meant to be a proxy for the value of a nations economy and is now considered a direct indicator of economic health, DO games both but bleeds value from the system as more money and therefore work hours are wasted on shit made to break earlier to drive future sales. It nearly halves an individuals contributiin to work efficiency when they earning money for the purpose of spending it on objects designed to fail quickly or be replaced instead of fixed and also DO has decimated the domestic repair service economy whic was a great plug to prevent import spending which even further bleeds economic value.

Every inherited 1970s dishwasher that still works 50 years on is the equivalent value to an anual hundred dollar subscription for new dishwashers as the new designs typically fail in about 3-6 years and cost 300-600 bucks; in 50 years that's 5 grand on just the dishwasher and considering most young folks lack practical skills to install one or trust in their skill to do so the installation fees surmount repair and servicing costs of old. That 5 grand could be the difference between fucking your credit score, and buying a house in a moment when the market is somewhat fair and that oportunity cost could be qorth tens of thousands or far more in the long run.

I own a braided leather belt my father bought in the 80s before i was even borne, ive worn it for most of my life and it has outlasted every other american made belt leather or faux leather alike, it is as good as the day he bought it some 40 years ago and he paid less for it than a cheap walmart belt would go for today, this is a great example of value bleed, little things like this are often hundreds of dollars we don't need to spend on garbage.

Killing DO would harm large corporations bottom lines but bulk out savings of the common man and produce more domestic handmade goods and local services which would bolster the actual health of our economy.

The best thing about a campaign to kill DO is that we would turn comies and neoliberals on each other long enough to get some people to look for other perspectives.

[–] 1 pt

"over individualistic society has failed us all."

Agreed sir. A purposeful individualism that has fractured the White race to extinction. And it is being further individualized through this bullshit jewish psyop known as crt, dei, sle and every sexual perversion as identity.

To be sure, anon is not wrong. Each generation faces hardship once you crash up against the reality of adulthood; is it getting harder? Probably. Most assuredly since a hostile minority religion/race/ethnic group has been given the reigns (reins) of power and authority. Namely: jews.

What is our hope? That Whites realize the only way to survive is to restore a tribal nature. Intergenerational family structures, supportive communities. Men that are men (fathers husbands) and women that are mothers and wives. Trad. Doesn't have to be hardcore trad but, trad works. Trad leads to traditions and healthy societies.

Are we kept in a cycle of consumption? Of course. Have we been poisoned by that consumption? Yes. Literally and figuratively.

No matter what, we all have to make it our own way. Whether as a practicing neurosurgeon with a lovely wife and four children or a woman cashier living alone with three cats and a canary, we all have to carry our own water. Either to succeed or merely to just survive.

I am White and only view through that lens. What is best for my people is what matters. Telling a White young person to realize "that's life and you must get on with it" is a needed message especially in these very sick days and times. +

[–] 0 pt

If anon's life experience is different it isn't because he failed and you succeded it's more likely you got a better break

This is communist propaganda. It's not luck

[–] 0 pt

Your operating under the delusion of equality still, ones life is unlikely to have an equal start to anyone elses.

[–] -1 pt

You have the sum total knowledge of humanity available at your fingertips, decentralized currency which no government can control for the first time in history, the ability to work remotely from anywhere on the planet, non-trivial contagious disease has been effectively eliminated, better living conditions in poverty than KINGS had 100 years ago, and you complain about NOT HAVING AN EQUAL START? Mother trucker, your start was better off than 99.99% of humans in history. You should thank God you're so blessed to have such fortune. Go and do something with it.

[–] 0 pt

Aint nobody going to do it for you if you are White.

[–] 1 pt

Oh noes, you'll have to take personal responsibility and solve your own problems.

And even looking at the non-white handouts, does anyone with an IQ above room temperature actually want that? Because that's a white elephant gift if I ever saw one. Just look at the outcomes. E.g. LBJ crashed the black marriage rate from higher than whites to so low it's a running joke with his "war on poverty" gibs.

[–] 0 pt

Lots of words and ideals.

It's going to take violence


Tyrants will never relinquish without violence

The sooner you and the rest accept that the sooner we heal

[–] 0 pt

Guess who loses. I got news for you. You're the Palestinian.

[–] 1 pt


I am the master of the universe

[–] 4 pts

The Taxes thing really sucks balls. Your work and efforts taken from you to fund things that you do not agree with or vote for.

"Here, We will build roads if we can tax you" "Ok, here is some money, build some roads". "Hah, you thought we were actually going to do that? No, we are going to hire the un-hirable diversity's and give them high paying jobs with a pension using the money you are now required to give us".

"Fuck. You.". Oops.. Thats a hate crime now.

[–] 1 pt

You can do more than say fuck you

[–] 3 pts

You lose if you play by (((their))) system and (((their))) rules.

Anytime anyone makes any suggestion to break the rules or system gets called a fed.

[–] 1 pt

Like a jew, you have decided to be a victim, rather than doing the right thing, which is to take stand against tyranny. Learn how to think critically and understand what is really going on around you. Stop being a victim!

[–] 1 pt

Is that "you" intended for me or anon?

[–] 1 pt

I meant it towards anon. I understand the confusion. I worded it poorly.

[–] 1 pt

Fuck you.

Do you really believe they have not been victimized

It's one thing to make up a fictitious story to play the victim.

But when the game is literally rigged against you, demonstrably, changes need to be made

You are probably a kike

Get in the oven shlomo

[–] 1 pt

when the game is literally rigged against you, demonstrably, changes need to be made

We both agree.

[–] 1 pt

I want to hug anon.

[–] 1 pt

This is NPC loser speak. Fail less.

[–] 1 pt

Sorry to hear anon failed a surmountable set of tasks. We are not all destined to succeed how we think we should.