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Atrocity Propaganda wiki article https://archive.ph/SnTio

Atrocity Propaganda wiki article https://archive.ph/SnTio

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

Case in point of kike/shill vilifying those wanting to see proof of outrageous jewish claims: https://poal.co/s/Israel/672549/47492c7b-690f-4008-8c03-d64ac8c33a95#cmnts

kike: How far have we fallen, that we demand to see the bodies of dead children before we believe it?

me: Blind belief without proof is how the kikes' holohoax lie became accepted to the point where it is now illegal to demand it be proven, that "accepted facts" cannot be questioned. Your claim that we have fallen so far due to demanding proof before accepting a claim is jewish. It isn't "falling" to think critically and demand proof of a claim, it is weak and a failing to not demand proof before accepting a claim.

kike: You really wanna see pictures of dead kids?

Goes on to kvetch more and also blaspheme against Jesus Christ like a kike.

[–] 3 pts

I can say with confidence that all sleeper accounts and most if not all new ones are jews.

Just take a look at this:

I made this post and a few others before and after, about Croatia, and it was well accepted here:


Then suddenly few days later a new account appears and claims to be a Slovenian with Croatian ancestry (the closes he can get to Croatia with justification on why he doesn't speak the language) and of course refuses to denounce Talmud with same old story of "I didn't read it, how can I denounce it?" and the tries to pilpul around it:


Kikes are hitting Poal hard, too bad for them that they are retarded. Also some kikes will denounce Talmud with no issues, so it's not 100% jewproof.

[–] 2 pts

The term Ipso facto - similar legalistic determination was employed during Nuremburg - none of the 'Gas extermination camp' Charges had to be proven as the legal default was that they were all true and based 'in fact'.

[–] 1 pt

Thank you very much for adding that. I was blanking on the term for 'an event that is in common knowledge as being true and as having happened does not need to be proved to have happened as it is beyond questioning'. I have several documents and images which reference that definition, but I couldn't recall it and did not take the time to check them to be reminded of it.

[–] 2 pts

No problem - Yeah, i first heard the term specifically from some Judicial/ lawyer Nuremburg documents when laying out the basis for foundational charges for Aggressive warfare and the running of a network of systemic extermination camps, and the Nuremburg Courts/ judges agreed to operate under the legal principle of 'ipso facto' - and is the sole reason German defendants were actually prevented legally from presenting evidence to the contrary during their trials, basically other than admitting to false charges or 'just doing my job and following orders' was all that was left.