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Doctors and parents - oven.

Doctors and parents - oven.

(post is archived)

[–] 7 pts (edited )

"No refunds, Zippertits" would be a bit harsh, no?

All kidding aside, these young and gullible people have been misled by grown-ups and those have to pay. All of them.

[–] 2 pts

Jesus calls upon millstones.

[–] 4 pts

Do they also wonder how long it would take a foot to grow back if it had been lobbed off? I mean, I know they’re not proficient in math, but damn this is some scary stuff of just how ignorant people are these days.

[–] 1 pt

Wait, who's this coming around the corner?

It's the consequences of your decisions!

[–] 1 pt

The jews have these people so brainwashed with trans bullshit that they don't understand how their body works. Imagine removing reproductive organs when you don't even understand how mammary glands and breasts work. It's obvious to us that if you cut tits off they don't grow back. But these people who are encouraged to mutilate their bodies are so out of touch with how their body works and functions that they can't comprehend something so simple.

[–] 2 pts

How were they never told or were even curious or did research?

[–] 2 pts

it was on the internet

folks these days aren't curious enough to ask those questions - everything is taken at face-value....

[–] 2 pts

Don't worry, the medical industry can make them some new (non functional) breasts for around 5 grand.

[–] 2 pts

Oh silly goy, they won't grow back.

But for a stack of sheckels you can buy new ones from a jewish plastic surgeon.

[–] 0 pt

Won’t feed your children who will be statistically dumber for having not been breastfed.

All part of the plan, goy.

[–] 2 pts

Some jew plastic surgeons will just make more money giving them fake breasts.

[–] 1 pt

grow back

we're not salamanders. although with the way we're going, who knows

[–] 1 pt

Those are zippers you can't unzip.

[–] 1 pt

It's amazing how you must "respect pronouns of the non-binary" but as soon as they want to return to their natural sex/hormonal cycle then they're just "teenagers wondering if their breasts will grow back".