Who could have known that one of the most publically promoted figures on "the right" would be a grifter!
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It's almost like every major public figure is a puppet
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It's almost like you can't become a nationally recognized name without first selling your soul to the establishment
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It's almost like "the right" promotes the very same transgender issues that they use as campaign platforms to "fight against"
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It's almost as if "the right" is exactly the same as "the left" but with diferent heroes and villans.
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It's almost as if the entire "left v right" paradigm is meant to enslave us by giving the illusion of choice.
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It's the joos.
That's not how Haiku work, but I like it.
The left wing and the right wing of the same bird. Every. Single. Time.
It's the fucking joos..
Uh oh. @anticlutch won’t be happy.
Thanks for finally coming out and admitting that you're an insufferable kike. https://poal.co/s/Jewspiracy/654059
I remember very clearly when you vehemently argued FOR the jew mRNA vaxx. You consistently posted lies that it worked to prevent then you changed that it was meant to treat symptoms and other such jewish lies. Then you slip or not don't care, and it became apparent that you keep an actual journal on me, to track any little piece of detail I mistakenly share about my life.
(post is archived)