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Source :https://worldfreedomalliance.org/au/news/un-declares-war-on-dangerous-conspiracy-theories-the-world-is-not-secretly-manipulated-by-global-elite Archive: https://archive.ph/l0Tgs

(post is archived)

[–] 39 pts

So then it is manipulated by Israeli-backed Soros and Rothschilds. Got it.

[–] 8 pts

That's usually how it works. Just remember, they have competition, too. There are "many rooms in the mansion", as they say. With the Alex Jones trial, they might be teeing up some more skullduggery. I'll be curious to see how public his leaks go.

[–] 2 pts

Exactly. They literally just exposed who is behind the world economy, globalism, open borders and coronaronadingdong. Unbelievable.

It could be a diversion but I don't think so.

[–] 23 pts

literally the definition of conspiracy when all the countries of the world work together to support one narrative...

[–] 8 pts

The entire world now is run by conspiracies.

The only two conspiracies that the public is yet to know about is:

  1. Where does putin and Russia stand in relation to the globalist cabal?

  2. How stupid is the globalist cabal to have allowed their conspiracies to be so transparent?

[–] 9 pts

They have to advertise their power or their scheme doesn't work.

[–] 3 pts

You see this stated frequently, but it really doesn't make any sense. Why should the globalists need to telegraph what they are going to do? If they actually have control, they could prepare in secret. It seems to me that they don't have control, or at least, that their control is very precarious. They are sending up trial balloons to see what the general reaction to them may be. But the idea that they have to say in advance what they are going to do for some occult reason, which is what is widely believed, is silly.

[–] 3 pts

The exact definition of the UN.

[–] [deleted] 19 pts

the world jewish congress


[–] 8 pts

At the 13th Plenary Assembly in Jerusalem in January 2009, Ronald S. Lauder was formally and unanimously elected as WJC president, having previously served as acting president.[129] Lauder was confirmed in his post by the 14th Plenary Assembly, which took place in Budapest in May 2013,[130] and for a third term by the 15th Plenary Assembly in New York, in April 2017.[131]

French banker Baron David René de Rothschild serves as chairman of the WJC Governing Board, and Lebanese-born Chella Safra from Brazil is the treasurer of the organization.[132] Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor, the president of the European Jewish Congress was named as chairman of the WJC Policy Council.

Although the WJC Executive Committee comprises almost 50 members,[133] including the heads of the 12 largest Jewish communities in the world outside Israel,[134] a smaller Steering Committee is running the day-to-day activities of the organization. It is composed of the president, the chairman of the WJC Governing Board, the treasurer, the chairmen of the five regional affiliates, the chairmen of the Policy Council, and other members.[135]

[–] 5 pts

Does this means rotchilds have kike blood ?

[–] 6 pts

The original Rothchild was a banker, he had a red sign with a star of david. Thats why the name Rothschild "Red Sign" was made.

[–] 6 pts

Sorosly? They are The Kike poster family!

[–] 5 pts

They are the very definition of kike.

[–] 5 pts

I don't know that having Jewish blood is as important to the World Jewish Congress leadership is as important as having Jewish money.


But... yes. The answer to your question is yes.

You’ve never seen the old movie The House of Rothschild? Have you been under a rock?

[–] 8 pts

Prechosen ones.

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

It's just any retard saying jews don't run everything just has to hear that. If it doesn't set off a light bulb in your head, then your brain doesn't work

[–] 16 pts

it's even funnier when you think about the absurd clearly coordinated, clearly retarded response to covid.

everyone shut down (ok a handful didnt, but vast majority) for a completely survivable flu and take out massive loans and print your money into oblivion. take these experimental, liability free, no long-term tested vxxx or you're fired.

ya totally organic response that wasn't centrally planned and executed at all.

but then again we have ppl that think men can be woman.

[–] 15 pts

Are we allowed to mention this? (thesun.co.uk)

[–] 7 pts

Exactly. One big reason why anything the UN says is bullshit to begin with.

[–] 4 pts

Remember when Clinton and pals toured Africa aboard the Lolita?

[–] 13 pts

Noyhing to see here goy, just STOP connecting the dots.

[–] 12 pts

It's dangerous alright, for them.

[–] 10 pts (edited )

“…is not SECRETLY being manipulated by..”


This is technically correct. It is being manipulated by them and it’s not much of a secret at this point.

FFS, they have these big meetings and it’s all public. Not to mention, Klaus Schwab legit quotes Bond villains at the meetings.

Also, it goes without saying that if the UN is against something, then it’s probably something I agree with.

[–] 8 pts

No, it's not secret, it's right out in the open when our "elected representatives" parrot WEF talking points.

[–] 8 pts

Great White Hope Governor DeSantis outlawed linking Israel to conspiracy theories in Florida!

[–] 8 pts (edited )

Governments and transnational organizations threatening people for exposing inconvenient facts.

Yeah, that's totally not a bad sign.

When do we declare the UN a terrorist organization?

[–] 1 pt

When someone boots them out of the US and demolishes their building in NYC.

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