Which movie is this referencing?
schindlers list. steven spielberg raped the girl from poltergeist to death, she litterally died from rectal bleeding after being repeatedly raped by the jew director. for schindlers list spielberg interviewed hundreds of jews that were alive during the holocaust and there were dozens and dozens of reports of soccer fields, swimming pools, opera houses, medical wards, hospitals all in auchwitz and he left all of those accounts out and instead only included interviews with jews who kvetched over how bad the germans were.
>steven spielberg raped the girl from poltergeist to death, she litterally died from rectal bleeding after being repeatedly raped by the jew director.
Where on earth did you get that from?
>swindlers lisp
Couldn't recommend it; boring, history distorting one-dimensional jew propaganda..
Daniel Hollander, the head of gastroenterology at the University of California, Irvine Medical Center stated that O'Rourke's death was "distinctly unusual" as she lacked prior symptoms of the bowel defect: "I would have expected a lot of [digestive] difficulties throughout her life and not just to have developed a problem all of a sudden." However, Dr. Hollander further stated that it was possible for congenital bowel narrowing to cause sudden death without symptoms if an infection caused the bowel to rupture.
During the filming of "Poltergeist 3," her bowel ruptured suddenly, with no prior indications whatsoever of a bowel abnormality, and she died. Pretty strong evidence that she was ass-raped to death by a kike.
(post is archived)