but he has the ukrainian flag he must be a good person
He's some cocksucker freelance nobody. Crazy retards are everywhere.
And he's British. Not even American.
None of those accounts flagged and deleted I'm sure...
That’s the problem with social media now, every fucktard has a voice.
I'm OK with this.
I know that we are enemies. Pretending that we are the same just separated by differing opinions we can nut out in friendly discourse is incredibly dishonest and cowardly.
Anyway. As if scotus rulings are legal rulings free of politics and interference
In a country with hundreds of millions of people i guarantee there are thousands wanting to do this. They would be held up as heroes by the DNC forever. Probably end up on some statues.
and im banned from twitter?
Honk Honk!
many of us have been preparing for a civil war for years, but it is not going to be what we had in mind. my biggest fear is that it will not be an honest, fair or open battle, where the most capable soldier wins, and lives on to see some form of peace. instead, it will be the most unfair, dirty rotten excuse for combat that will rely more on demoralization, attrition, and all and out scumsucking traitors who dont deserve to die well, let alone fight in open combat. fuck this gay earth..
It's going to be a war that doesn't want to say its name, it already is... All the victims are simply dumped in some crime stat category, and that's it
It's not a civil war, it's just people killing others left and right
Who is that tool anyway?
He's what we call in the maintenance field call a wingnut
Yep. The wingnut fails to hold everything together and the screws fall loose off of the nutbar and crushes a tranny.
We have a win in this scenario. Idiots killing other idiots.
They know it.
It just doesn't directly effect them yet.
So it's easy to ignore.
"Save many women's lives."
By killing so many women by aborting them?
What kind of logic is that?
The extremely rare scenario that a woman would die from having a baby is an exception fallacy.
Almost every last person agrees that an abortion is acceptable during medical necessity. Almost all agree abortion is acceptable for rape or incest.
Almost no one is debating that.
The debate is frivolous abortions.
Maybe I'm in the minority here but this feels a lot more like Revenge of the Sith to me than a New Hope.
inb4 someone calls me soy
Bro the star wars prequels are based. It's the Disney fanfiction trilogy that is soy.
(post is archived)