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[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Kyle killed two of (((the tribe))).

He must be executed

It's the rules

He'd be in the same boat if he had dirt on the Clintons

[–] 4 pts

It's literally in the Talmud. jews are racial supremacists who hate Whites because Whites really are superior and jews are jealous.

[–] 2 pts

If Whites were superior, jews wouldn't run practically everything. Let's face it, (((they))) are winning, thru treachery, deceit, lies, blackmail, etc.

[–] 1 pt

The problem is that other races had wealth as well, and they easily took that. Once wealth is involved...

[–] 0 pt

Superior doesn't mean what you think it means. According to your definition it means immunity to deception and manipulation.