Has the last year and half not proven to you that every single person who "happens to" find themselves in a position to actually do anything about this, is the kind of person who never would, and THAT, in fact, is precisely why they were chosen to be in those positions? EDIT: I don't mean national politicians, I'm talking about your local people. END EDIT I don't think they let a lot of free independent thinkers become cops, or, on the other side of the spectrum, local "mental health experts", or...I could go on.
they can't be all that bad.
Why not? It's not that they're all literally wiping children's blood off their mouths, but how bad is "that bad"? I'd say to you that one doesn't have to be especially evil to be "that bad", one just needs to be bad enough. Bad enough to not want to get kicked out of your decent house you've spent the last 2 decades plus of your life to build up and secure. In that sense, one just needs to be kinda bad to be "that bad".
Welcome to what we're dealing with!
Has the last year and half not proven to you that every single person who "happens to" find themselves in a position to actually do anything about this, is the kind of person who never would, and THAT, in fact, is precisely why they were chosen to be in those positions? EDIT: I don't mean national politicians, I'm talking about your local people. END EDIT I don't think they let a lot of free independent thinkers become cops, or, on the other side of the spectrum, local "mental health experts", or...I could go on.
>they can't be all that bad.
Why not? It's not that they're all literally wiping children's blood off their mouths, but how bad is "that bad"? I'd say to you that one doesn't have to be especially evil to be "that bad", one just needs to be bad enough. Bad enough to not want to get kicked out of your decent house you've spent the last 2 decades plus of your life to build up and secure. In that sense, one just needs to be kinda bad to be "that bad".
Welcome to what we're dealing with!
(post is archived)