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[–] 8 pts

Yea right it's moved from the "Tulsa race riot" to the "Tulsa race massacre." Massacres are almost always one-sided. The niggers first assaulted a chick, then brought guns to the court house, at which point the whites decided to get their guns. The niggers then shot, at which point they lost a fight they'd started.

A one-sided battle is just that. It wasn't a massacre, but it was an overwhelming beatdown in a fight started by niggers.

[–] 2 pts


[–] 2 pts

At least it would lend more credence to "six gorillion." Maybe six nigrillion.

[–] 1 pt

From what I heard no one knows who shot the first shot and no one knows if a rape actually happpend probabky just a hot fucking day and shit got out of control in the country

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Eh we know the niggers brought the guns first. I wouldn't be surprised if they shot first, especially since more whites died on the first day - those that struck first would likely have fewer casualties.

I'd never heard rape; I'd heard "assault" to which the assailant admitted touching the girl but claims he didn't "assault" her... hmm...

Also I've heard that excuse from literal rapists as well. Girl says "he raped me" guy says "well things got a little rough, but y'know..."