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[–] 0 pt

I refuse to believe there aren't good young women out there that are waiting to be claimed by men. Women are almost infinitly influenceable by a strong, successful, alpha man.

We should all stop whining about no perfect women and become powerful, alpha men who go out into the world and create successful lives and women will find you. Then use your manhood to guide her into the best life she can have. There are good women out there who CAN make the journey with you.

... Or something like that.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

I want to believe you. But I also know 80%+ of women over 25 are blown out roasties that just want you to support them. Maybe I'll find myself the right one but honestly I'm cool if it doesn't happen. Worlds gone to shit anyway. Niggers everywhere, jews in power... all this dumb mask shit...and a rigged election. If I had a family right now I'd be wondering what the fuck would happen in 25 years. Oh well. Guess I'll just be single with a fuck ton of guns and cool shit with my dog. I do see the importance of breeding more whites but lets be honest. Niggers fuck anything that moves and reproduce so fast that whites are going to be minorities soon. Hopefully something kicks off to prevent that.

[–] 1 pt

Sadly, the black pill is the truth pill. I still keep a White pill in my pocket just in case I find a unicorn, but I'm with you, dog, land, stuff, happy chill life.

Women have done nothing but cause me misery, I have left the relationship game altogether. I am so much happier.

[–] 1 pt

Shit is depressing but I've learned to deal with it. Good luck to you though. All I want in life is a lady that hates niggers like me. I hope you find that too.

[–] 1 pt

Simple: Due to current selective circumstances, Whites prone to pro-whiteness tend to breed more, theoretically improving the potential of the next generation on Whites. Then, said Whites who are now of better 'building material' than the boomers whose sins created their current horrible environment to live in, will have to face the negro-mulatto horde and tell them "we have a right to self determination", and either succeed or perish. Now, consider that the phrasing "negro-mulatto horde" includes the word negro: the numbers do not matter as much as one would assume, because Whites in their more natural state are simply 10 or more times stronger in conflict than the negro: many racial conflicts in Africa prove this; outer pressure such as UN bullshit and sanctions (in short: juden) is what ultimately decolonized Africa. Look into material by Jan Lamprecht (a South African Boer NS guy) at historyreviewed.com if you want to look more into that sort of thing (whitepills, Africa pills).

[–] 1 pt

I can understand how it could be very frustrating.

As individuals we can't choose WHAT time we will live. But we can choose HOW we will live in the time we are living in.

In spite of the current situation there is still a GREAT DEAL of opportunity for full, happy, rewarding lives out there for many more people than currently have them.

Our lives are our gardens. The seeds we plant are the daily actions we engage in. Plant good seed (good action) after good seed (good action) after good seed (good action). Make planting good seeds your daily behavior and it's guaranteed that eventually you will live in a garden full of plants that bring you beauty and nourishment. Do this and other people will naturally want to associate with you in the garden you call your life.

But if we don't plant seeds (take and make good actions) then weeds will grow in our gardens and give us a life full of thorns and needles.

[–] 1 pt

Right. But you don't want to spend all that time seeding just to have someone come along and eat all your tomatoes for free. Thats what makes it difficult. Finding someone that will stay with you for more than money.

[–] 0 pt

This is true. I found my husband in college and was very attracted to his drive and committment to his craft.

I've mentioned this before, but I knew he was solid when I saw how he kept his shirt organized in his drawer. They were folded perfectly in neat rows.

I was blown away because most guys I know, including my brothers, were slobs. This simple thing spoke volumes about his self discipline, which for me, is a big deal.

Get your shit together and you will find a gal.