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> You sound like me, ~6-7 years ago. That's nice, but you still can't smoke indoors. My point isn't specifically about the act of smoking (in-and-of-itself), but of the ever-increasing restrictions on personal freedoms. You couldn't even open an indoor-smoking restaurant, if you wanted to.

Oh I understand completely about the person freedoms thing. Granted I don't smoke and wouldn't do that inside cause the odor is the absolute worst to get out of stuff, especially wood. There's other things that can probably be done to protest those kinds of restrictions. Far as I'm concerned, people should be responsible enough to follow them. Though yes, our society needs to stop restricting the freedom of others. If a business wants to restrict, I think they should have every right to, free of government regulation.

As for the other part, I'll look at the link you sent me. However, is there anything else I can look at specifically how that all interrelates with American History and American Social Life of decades and eras past?