don't forget that was always part of the globalist agenda to make North America one economic unit
Bingo! No. American Union. Held off because of economic disparity. After fjb, and Trudy, the US and Canada much closer now.
Good point. I don't see it happening though. Trump's just trolling them.
I've noticed your strong support for Trump. I share your optimism but I'm still skeptical.
I've noticed your strong support for Trump.
Lol! Yes. Best POTUS since Reagan, soon to be the best POTUS ever if he can pull it off. There is no other choice for 47. He's not even in office yet and the (((DS))) puppets are kvetching left and right. That's how you can tell he is the right man for the job.
I share your optimism but I'm still skeptical.
Skeptical is fine. He has a long row to hoe but I believe the hardest part is behind him.
(post is archived)