If this becomes standard practice, then the looters will adapt to this by showing up armed. They'll think that store staff won't shoot them because the staff are just people at work, and not cool-kid criminal looters with guns, like them.
Them, someone on staff will shoot one of these losers, who will then be taken for medical treatment by the police, and then arrested.
A press conference will be held about the shooting, which is when the mealy-mouthed politicking begins.
A week later, the "victim"'s "family" will announce they're suing the store for boohoos and feefees while their idiot criminal progeny is sitting on his less- than-worthless ass in jail. They will have been convinced by some filthy kike lawyer to do this, provided he gets his cut.
And there will be a cut, because the corp that owns the store and the brand will happily hand over millions in cash, because their filthy kike lawyers say that they should.
This will repeat. It is a money-pumping engine fueled by the press conference tears of illiterate fat black mothers.
Therefore, the ONLY way this is effective is if there is no incentive for worthless filthy kikes to sue on behalf of their "clients".
I can think of several ways to disincentivize either or both of those collections of ..."people".
And they should be disincentivized.
(post is archived)