This is long but worth every minute.
Aside from this hypothetical, there's a story about a very prayerful American Thomas Zimmer aka Hermit of Loreto, who put together the Pieta prayer book, and prophesied in the '80s that playboy real estate mogul Trump would be President and that he'd lead America back to God. The man put Trump's name and prayer intentions on a donated brick to be put at the Holy Doors at the Vatican (people donate the brick for use to put a seal around the door frame, and the bricks are broken/removed for the occasion to open the doors about every 25 years for the Jubilee year)
Very interesting. I did not know that.
Trump is conflicted between the "bad jews" and "good" ones.
Thanks to the so called Christian (false) teachers that surround him.
Who are so screwed up in their theology that they think jews, though killers of Christ and rejected of God, have some kind of extra special 'anointing' because of heritage and lineage that keeps them safe.
But God respects no man for what he is in the flesh and has concluded all under sin that he might have mercy on all (meaning a great number).
It's complicated, but sorry, not what you were asking.
nah that's helpful
There's thousands of professing Christians who believe this way, and they follow idiots like John Hagee, back in the day it was Hal Lindsey.
They believe Jerusalem will rule the world via Christ who will live on the earth and rule from there and all the sacrifices and temple worship of old will be reinstated (which is blasphemy in that all those things were just typifying Christ and done away with when he came and fulfilled them all).
Back in the day the apostles condemned the jews who became Christians but still tried to carry on with these things. Christians have everything they need in Christ, all those old things were done away in Him.
Okay I'm done. (Trump is a bit confused like this and needs some true theologians to teach him.) Maybe that will happen, maybe not. But being of this persuasion enables him (in his own mind) to both hate the evil bankster jews and "love" them at the same time (their 'souls' he would say).
This is what confuses people when they see him favoring jews publicly, outwardly. Trump thinks he's being a good guy with it. But unless and until any jew repents and accepts Christ he is to be rebuked, warned, and ultimately condemned (just as God will condemn him).
Is that why his adult children had offspring with jew partners and all his 8 grand kids are jew by heritage, as well as ivanka becoming a practicing religious convert ??
Did the angel visit before or after he fucked the porn star?
The porn star admitted long ago it never happened.
He just likes handing out money
Nope he definitely paid for something.
Trick question, he never raw dogged a stripper
Naw, she was a porn "star". A stripper is classier. Porn actress takes cum shots to the face for a living
(post is archived)