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We the people voted for President Trump. Our votes were either ignored, discarded or outright stolen. Now there's a jewish bolshevik communistic pedophile in the White House. It's our house, not Isreal and China's house.

It's our duty, as Americans, to rise up and throw off a belligerent government, the likes of which we see now. Since this belligerent government has made it illegal for us to arm ourselves and unify in person, and because Washington DC is now a fortress, I have a much better idea.

I say if these lying bastards want to perpetrate the covid-19 hoax, then let's use it to our advantage. Everyone that voted for Trump calls off work sick with covid-19. (If you work from home, you're too sick to function. Covid is a killer, remember?) In two weeks it could bring this country to it's knees. Only because I think even Trump lied about his number of votes. I think it was closer to 80% of the votes went to him.


It's my understanding that as of March 2021 employers are no longer required to pay the covid related sick leave. However there is a tax credit still in place for those that do. I would not count on getting paid.


Would you be willing to spread the word and participate?

What date would be best?

I was thinking Monday, March 1st. That may not be enough time to spread the information. What do you guys think?


I do not want a visit from federal officers, so please keep the discussion civil, no calling for violence.

We the people voted for President Trump. Our votes were either ignored, discarded or outright stolen. Now there's a jewish bolshevik communistic pedophile in the White House. It's our house, not Isreal and China's house. It's our duty, as Americans, to rise up and throw off a belligerent government, the likes of which we see now. Since this belligerent government has made it illegal for us to arm ourselves and unify in person, and because Washington DC is now a fortress, I have a much better idea. I say if these lying bastards want to perpetrate the covid-19 hoax, then let's use it to our advantage. Everyone that voted for Trump calls off work sick with covid-19. (If you work from home, you're too sick to function. Covid is a killer, remember?) In two weeks it could bring this country to it's knees. Only because I think even Trump lied about his number of votes. I think it was closer to 80% of the votes went to him. Caveat: It's my understanding that as of March 2021 employers are no longer required to pay the covid related sick leave. However there is a tax credit still in place for those that do. I would not count on getting paid. Questions: Would you be willing to spread the word and participate? What date would be best? I was thinking Monday, March 1st. That may not be enough time to spread the information. What do you guys think? Concern: I do not want a visit from federal officers, so please keep the discussion civil, no calling for violence.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

This existed before, it was called #whitestrike, where whites would all strike for their rights. It went nowhere, but I am still willing to give it a go and support anyone who participates. How long do you figure we can keep it up?

[–] 0 pt

The covid idea is just for 2 weeks.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Can we make it a lasting thing? Like, all Whites just stop working entirely, until all demands are met?

[–] 0 pt

Of course, I was asking what you guys thought. This was just about an idea. Are you for or against it?

[–] 1 pt

you had your chance.

you did nothing.

you made your bed, you lie in it. Hey, youll get another chance to vote out biden in 4 years.

[–] 0 pt

Your post makes no sense. I voted for Trump. I suspect many more voted for him than we were told. There's piles of evidence to prove that all over the US.

If you're trolling for keks, I get it. Have some laughs, I guess.

[–] 0 pt

it absolutely makes sense with anyone with more than 2 braincells to knock together.

try graduating middle school if youre struggling with basic comprehension.

[–] 1 pt

Hey bro, appreciate the mention although I’m not as smart as I appear to be on the Internet!

Anyway my 2 cents, i like that you’re looking for solutions or idea’s for change. As you have already noticed judging from comments that trying to get people to not work is probably not very likely considering things.good news is in 10 -20 years most of those people will be unemployed due to automation so they might be more inclined to give a shit.

I think the most important aspect right now is getting to a point where the 75 million can centralize and act in unison.

I guess what I’m getting at is even in today’s uncertain economic climate if people where convinced that taking the day off would accomplish “thing” then they would likely participate. And people like @sound_flames could just argue that by participating they are “working”.

[–] 0 pt

Yes. It's easy. Next time you see somebody you trust just ask them the question: hey did you hear all the Trump voters are set to strike? Yeah, on March 1st they're going to call off with covid. Nobody's going to work for two weeks. And it'll go from there. Thanks for the response man I appreciate it.

[–] 0 pt

I literally can't because I'm working to win us the Culture War, against China and improve our Cyber Security.

Like I'm literally paid to fight Communism and make memes. Not joking

[–] 0 pt

I didn’t realize how important you are, here let. Me. Slow. Things...down. For.. you..

What I was trying to convey was that by participating in let’s say a peaceful protest you would technically be “fighting” the culture war and communism.

[–] 0 pt

I get what you're saying but I literally would not be able to like it's literally nonfeasible for me to do so

[–] 1 pt

Ya I thought of going and getting tested at as many free testing sites and hopefully getting false positives to add to the numbers.. but callingnin and saying u have covid1984 could work as well. Is there any way to artificially inflate the numbers?

The pcr teat has already been manipulated I see numbers dropping fast to help xiden.. or pedo Joe. Or pedophile in charge. Or old swamp creature Joe. Just faggot Joe. Crack heads dad

Can't believe this shit is happening

[–] 0 pt

I just pinged you in another thread I made earlier. Check it out if you can.

[–] 0 pt

@webofslime Give it a read, read tell me what you think.

[–] 0 pt

@ThunderChud Just food for thought at this point. Let me know what you think

[–] 1 pt

This, AND even worse.... Take your kids out of school for that period of time. You will never see capitulation so fast.

[–] 0 pt

Them spread the word. Next time you're talking to your bros tell him hey did you hear about the vote for Trump strike? Take it from there.

[–] 1 pt

It's a plan.

Make it so.

[–] 0 pt

@22Doglegwarrior Think we can make it happen? Just asking for opinions at this point.

[–] 1 pt

I don't even know anymore. This covid1984 ckownworld is getting to levels I never imagined possible or seeing in my life time. I planned on protesting local TV stations and going to the state capitol.

I don't know what we can even do any longer. Let me think about it and I agree number one thing is we go 100% peaceful on all of this and if anyone who is pro constitution pro America ever does anything in large groups any fucking idiot calling for illigal activities or destroying property needs to be citizen arrested and taken to police asap.. look how bad the capitol riots turned out for trump patriots everyone except the democommies who it helped.

Gonna over throw or start an insurrection with zero guns zero planning overthrow a goverment who's budge its 3 trillion with not one fucking gun! Not one gun means it was antifa and blm and the democommies.

Anyways let me think about it if I have any ideas I will pm you or pm me to kick some ideas around.

Any glowniggers reading this we are 100% against violence or destruction of property

[–] 0 pt

Thank you I appreciate your input. And there will be no violence that's the point. All we have to do is all call off on the same day. Then we stay home for two weeks. That's so far as the plan goes. If you agree just ask your Bros next time you talk to them hey did you hear about the Trump strike that starts on March 1st? Just feel them out and take it from there.

[–] 0 pt

I'm self employed and I have ghosted most of my friends over covid1984 shit or Trump derangement syndrome... but I will do what I can I still can post shit on face book might do something there

[–] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt

It could be done though I could not participate. I work for a nonprofit that is looking to stop the problems of China, Cultural War and improve our Cyber Space-Security. I don't think that is an option for me. Folks in more traditional lines of work could though you should also post this on https://patriots.win

[–] 1 pt

Its just an idea, for now. Would you be willing to help spread the word? On social media and irl.

[–] 0 pt

If I'm able to, I can't promise anything

[–] 0 pt

@Talest_Skil what do you make of this?

[–] 0 pt

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

[–] 0 pt

You sound just like me quoting JFK. Get the word out if you agree, if you don't I understand. I appreciate you just stopping by to take a look.

[–] 0 pt
[–] 1 pt
[–] 0 pt

Thanks. I'm not having any luck spreading it, online or irl. Make it fly.

[–] 0 pt

@SparklingWiggle I saw you were one and I'm looking for your input. I'm going to be off until later tonight. Any opinions are appreciated.

Thanks for asking. I have wanted to mod s/solutions to find ways to make a difference. I see a couple of problems with this. Many employers want COVID tests demonstrating a positive and then a negative result. Some places want two negative results. Of course, if a person is pretending the negative results will be easy. Another issue is that you can only get it once, so what happens if you actually get it. (To be clear, I believe there is a COVID-19 virus. It's just not the pandemic I was hoping for.) The testing may also cost out of pocket. A sick out is not a bad idea but I don't know that it will do much to break the cabal. Remember, they want and need the country to fail. We might actually help them.

Since I can't call for the simultaneous execution of the top jews in charge, I think we need to start playing their games. People who have little to risk i.e. retirees, independently wealthy, self-employed should make all the noise they can to name the jew and their collaborators.

We should start public lists/meme posts with the name of good corporations and bad corporations/actors. More and more memes that point out the problem while being coy about the particulars are good because they get people thinking and they may spread before being suppressed.

One thing I would really like to do is place our faith in a single individual, I'm not sure who. I would love it to be me, but I don't have any credibility to pull this off. I would like to start a campaign to send money to someone, and I mean like get every patriot in the cou try donating so we can buy back or build a media base. I don't mean a half measure like Blaze, but buying CNN and reporting on all the bullshit, all the bad actors, naming the jew, all the time. The problem is that I think too many would be wary of David Duke and a Rand Paul wouldn't pull the trigger. Our side needs to know that there is push back, hence a sick out.

Even something like a hashtag push of #WeAreReadytoRevolt etc. to make people feel they have a hope. I think the Q thing may have been meant to do this but had nothing behind it and didn't use the support base it built.

I will add more.

[–] 0 pt

Wow, thanks for the input. It's more along the lines of, could you imagine what would happen if 125 million Americans called off from work tomorrow. I agree with the thought of having an individual that everyone could back. There's no way that could be me. I'm a no-name, nobody, from nowhere. Even if it's a call off until you get a negative test or two, it could still have an impact for a few days. Spread the word if you feel so inclined. And of course feel free to add more later, I only had a few minutes to write this much.

Another user pointed out to speak as if it's already a foregone conclusion. "Hey did you hear that all the Trump voters are going on strike on March 1st? Yeah they're all calling in sick with covid symptoms." Take it from there. I understand not everybody's going to be down for this.

I've been thinking. Dangerous, I know. A sick out basically happened last year to "flatten the curve." It gave them an excuse to print a trillion dollars. What do they not want us to do? Or, what do they want us to do? They want us eating up all their propaganda. They want us buying their shit. They want to kill small business. They want compliance. They want to watch us.

The Deafening.

On April 2, because April 1 is a joke and this won't be, we deploy the deafening. A act so big nobody will hear it. We ask everybody to push back in a lot of small ways that shouldn't cost them anything. We ask that any company railing against traditional values gets cancelled by Patriots. Cancel your Netflix, Disney plus, Amazon Prime, etc. We ask that people back up their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and delete those accounts. There are instructuons for this and it gives a month for people to get ready.

We ask people to share their phone numbers and emails with friends and we go back to the private way of sharing with those we actually care about. We make having Amazon boxes on your porch a sign of traitorism. We make it a small business day as well. A show of support will be to go without your mask. Any other suggestions, toss them in.

We get this to right-wingers like James Woods, the Qtards, Hannity, the Trump sites that organized the marches. 2A groups and we talk about it like it's in motion and they don't want to miss the boat. We ask the memers and autists at the chans to push it.


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