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Picked up this on 4chan this AM. I see trannys shooting up schools in the future....oh wait...

Picked up this on 4chan this AM. I see trannys shooting up schools in the future....oh wait...

(post is archived)

[–] 15 pts 2y


Kek. This is what that ibb link had in it.

[–] 7 pts 2y

to the incel that sent me this. Fuck you.

They literally whine and complain about being an involuntary celibate and then they use the word incel to insult others.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Sounds like one of the behaviors of the truly insane.

[–] 1 pt 2y

It's like seeing the future.

[+] [deleted] 11 pts 2y
[–] 6 pts 2y

These people are mentally ill. It's absurd for anyone to expect them to be happy. Crazy people can't cope with reality, and as a consequence are never happy. They get frustrated, angry, frightened, depressed -- what they never get is happy.

Maybe this stupid bitch would have had a chance at a normal, happy life if she had grown up in a society with a strict moral code, regular church attendance, parents who stayed married, a father who worked and a mother who took care of the kids and the household. But she grew up in crazy clown-town, just like the rest of us, and she was not able to cope.

She is fucked, probably for the rest of her life. Her expectations and her very perception of the world around her are out of step with reality. What she thinks will happen, and should happen, isn't going to happen for her, ever. I doubt people such as this poor idiot can be saved.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 2y

Not many female shooters, and the one I can recall, the inimitable Nasim who shot up the youtube HQ, failed to kill anyone but herself.

But yeah, we'll see a lot more shootings from the biologically male ones.

[–] 2 pts 2y

She should have stayed a Tomboy instead of transitioning. She got brainwashed into doing this to herself. All these medications, hormones and surgery are scandalous. Like someone else said in the comments, their ''friends'' left once the cycle of brainwashing was completed.

[–] 3 pts 2y

A lot of the tomboys I grew up with sort of "phased out" of it in their mid-late teens. Many of them even wound up beautiful, with nice, athletic, toned bodies from all the sports and such. Very much "ugly duckling to beautiful swan" type stuff. A lot of them might still retain their tomboyish hobbies, but their feminine instincts are obviously starting to manifest.

Some tomboys make full 180s, go from "rolling around in the dirt with their brothers till age 10" to "screams at the sight of a spider at age 20, begging for Chad to come kill it". It's pretty amusing... but it's no surprise that these type of women would be most susceptible to this "trans" shit. They play sports with boys, and get their asses kicked- they think "If only I was physically a boy, I would be better than them", and then of course the non-stop conditioning: WOMEN FOLLOW TRENDS. MEDIA HAS MADE TRANS/FAGGOTRY INTO A TREND. So these young tomboys, who are probably already insecure about their appearance and appeal to boys, are targeted as "lesbians" or "ftms" or w/e.... when it's really just "A woman who enjoys activities that typically men enjoy more". That's it, nothing more to it.

But this poor woman was convinced that her tomboyishness was a symptom of a disease. THIS IS SO FUCKING SINISTER, SO CRUEL, IT'S HARD TO PUT INTO WORDS.

[–] 2 pts 2y

She would have been able to get a solid guy who appreciated her tomboyness. She could have been a great mom. Now, she's a waste product of the meat grinder.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 2y

The women I know that were tomboys growing up all turned out to be very feminine, almost trad women. Both love being in the kitchen and cooking

[–] 2 pts 2y

Part of the problem is that nobody in society recognises just how hard it is to be male, you get zero emotional support from basically age 12 to when you die

any problems: fuck you, man up relationship ends: kiss goodbye to half your money and all of your confidence not a chad stereotype: fuck you incel, die alone White: fuck you patriarchal misogynist colonialist, you are never getting past HR

even when you are just an average bloke, it's way harder than it should be. I see some kids out there who maybe aren't the most blessed, and you just know the rest of their life is going to be shit, lonely and they'll end up feeling so disillusioned by everything.

For the sex that built EVERYTHING on this planet, you'd assume we'd all be a bit more appreciated...

[–] 1 pt 2y

Life and reality has always been a crushing weight, its the society of filth and decay that rots the souls and never teaches true strength. When people are forced to face the lies inside themselves is when they break.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Men have ALWAYS been expendable. Literal cannon fodder.

[–] 3 pts 2y

Men have ALWAYS been expendable. Literal cannon fodder.

that was OK when we were getting statues erected for us, 'look at the great sacrifices we made for the rest of you...'

now all those are getting pulled down

[–] 1 pt 2y

But at least they are getting replaced by giant afro-pick sculptures

[–] 1 pt 2y

It would be awful if these mentally broken rejects started murdering the 'doctors' that mutilated them...just awful.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Now I see a short, effeminate, weak boy who can't stop himself from breaking down at least once a day

Brief moment of reality (except for 'boy' and the wrong pronoun)

[–] 1 pt 2y (edited 2y)

LMAO does the sub's Reddit mascot have a 5 o clock shadow? That's fucking hilarious.

Edit: NM I thought it was the MTF subreddit. They should use the mascot from FTM it would be more fitting.

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