> This is a day in the Life of Japanese Housewife raising a Japanese Kid in Tokyo with Husband. This Japanese family shares their life in Japan and life in Tokyo for an entire day. We follow a Japanese mom and her soon to be 3 year old Japanese daughter inside their Tokyo home to see what they do in the morning all the way until the evening when they go to sleep. Tomomi, 38 years old and child, Karin almost 3 years old spend most of their day in their Tokyo apartment, but they also find some time to leave the house and go to the park. This Japanese family does many typical Japanese family things like make miso soup in the morning and make offering to their home shrine, but they also have their unique aspects of their life. They were kind enough to let us into their Japanese home to see what it is really like being raised in a Japanese home. This day in the life of mom and housewife, should give another perspective on how life in Japan would be if you lived here. I hope you enjoy this video.
>> This is a day in the Life of Japanese Housewife raising a Japanese Kid in Tokyo with Husband. This Japanese family shares their life in Japan and life in Tokyo for an entire day. We follow a Japanese mom and her soon to be 3 year old Japanese daughter inside their Tokyo home to see what they do in the morning all the way until the evening when they go to sleep. Tomomi, 38 years old and child, Karin almost 3 years old spend most of their day in their Tokyo apartment, but they also find some time to leave the house and go to the park. This Japanese family does many typical Japanese family things like make miso soup in the morning and make offering to their home shrine, but they also have their unique aspects of their life. They were kind enough to let us into their Japanese home to see what it is really like being raised in a Japanese home. This day in the life of mom and housewife, should give another perspective on how life in Japan would be if you lived here. I hope you enjoy this video.
(post is archived)