Sorry but I find these knots faggy af
The eldritch is a fine knot, but only usable in a vest or if you are a very short person with an extra long tie. When vests went out of vogue intricate knots did as well. That's why men don't know how to dress anymore.
I rock the vest regularly. Bring back the vest.
Windsor already uses up so much of the tie. You'd need a tie 2x as long to get this knot bellow your nipples. Unless you are a midget.
Some knots work well with unusually long ties or vests (where you want a short tie).
It's intricate and all, but it still just looks like it's on backwards to me. Full windsor or balthus look the cleanest.
Ties are absurd. Why do you need some random fabric hanging off your neck?
Seriously, put on some jeans and a flannel and go build your kids a fucking tree house.
"Men" wearing ties, gimme a break. Might as well put on an ascot and call yourself a faggot.
It's to prove that you're willing to follow and be leashed by the (((powers that be))) - if you want a job, that is.
Love the name. Reminds me of this(
why wear pants? why brush your hair? why shave? why wear a watch?
taking pride in one's appearance is not weakness. dressing like a child in public is. style is an indication of personal responsibility.
Pants so your dick isn’t hanging out, and provides warmth.
Brushing hair and shaving is just basic hygiene. A watch tells you the time.
What the fuck does a tie do?
How about never wear a fucking tie showing you are some ones controlled pet that signed a contract and are a giant pussy do some real work
This is one of my go-to knots when I have a reason to wear a tie. It took a lot of practice to get it right, but it's satisfying as fuck in the end.
No thanks
Thank God I no longer have to wear a tie anymore, but if I did there is no way I could tie this knot. Your tie would have to be like 8 feet long to tie that knot and have it still sit at your waistline.
Capitalist slave collar for the most astute and well-trained slaves. Dress up your tie to show the other slaves who is Massas favorite.
(post is archived)