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[–] 3 pts

I had to leave the apartment. I hadn't left all day.

I hadn't left the day before either.

Sometimes you find yourself alone, in a space, and you have enough money for time being, and your cabinets are well stocked with canned fish, and your freezer is stocked with burger meat, and for one reason or another, there is not a single human on this planet you need to talk to today.

Or yesterday.

It is amazing how long you can put off talking to the people that care about you.

What I could not put up with is the absence of whiskey or nicotine.

In this case, I was out of nicotine. My disposable vape had run dry the night before.

I kept hitting it, of course, pretending it may have had some juice left in it, but I could taste the dry wick burning whenever I inhaled, and I knew that was somehow worse for my lungs than inhaling the mysterious flavored nicotine juice that was probably full of lead and came from Shenzen.

Plus, it didn't have any nicotine left inside. It kind of made me miss cigarettes.

So I walked downstairs, went a couple of blocks, and began the trek onto Snyder Avenue.

A lot of Spics in this area now. They are up at all times of night. Entire families of them. They are never a threat, but there are just more and more of them everyday. Every time I walk down this street, towards the Pappi shop that sells my vapes, there are just families, mothers pushing strollers, surrounded by their chubby hispanic preteen boys and girls, laughing and carrying on.

It always amazes me, how most young hispanic kids have the same body plan and demeanor as Winny the Pooh.

Vaguely chubby, affable, and foolish as fuck.

Regardless, none of my business. I need vapes.

So I walk the seven blocks, get to the store, and I cannot figure out what flavor of vape I want.

Miami Rizzler Unicorn Focus Pink Influencer Prime

Why can't they just say Lemon, or Mint?

Regardless, I push 30 dollars through the plexiglass towards the middle eastern man on the other side, and get a Lemon-Head GeekBar Pulse...

And now I can walk back. Wade back, through the mexicans and hondurans, during the night.

And I voraciously open the box containing my vape, and carefully put the cardboard and plastic packaging inside the trashcan outside of the store (I am white, after all) and take a fresh puff of beautiful, mollifying nicotine.

The Geekbar VaporZoomer+ has this magnificent LED display that lights up as I hit it...

I have no idea why. I guess it appeals to the kids.

But as I hit is, and the LED lights on the side blaze forth, exerything else dims for a moment...

The Moon above me, the streetlights around me, everything just gets darker for a second...

And all of the sudden, the friendly hispanic families around me start to look a little afraid. A little panicked.

But you know, I just haven't been getting out enough, I was probably just feeling a little weird about the public spaces around me.

Just need one more hit of nicotine, to relax me for the walk home...

And as the GeekBro Zoomer%Pacifier-LemonadeSourzzz side LED display blazed with the fury of one thousand Suns, the lights around me once again dimmed, and the hispanic families surrounded me, like vultures, their children pointing at me as if the entire solar system was about to collapse into a black hole if I stopped breathing, their fear pathetic and putrid in my eyes, and everything faded towards eternal darkness...

Until I woke up in the hospital. Turns out the cheap Chinese Vapes I was buying were contaminated with formaldehyde.

I still don't like spics.

[–] 3 pts

I like it. Not what I was expecting but I guess I should have expected that. Felt like I could see that and be there.

Thanks @Theodore_Kent