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I drink too much and I am sincerely unhappy. I have had thoughts of suicide often in the past 18 days.

There are no days when I feel happiness.

There are only days when I can successfully feign happiness to others.

My mind is absolutely fucking perfect.

It is my mentality that is garbage.

The only way that I can move forward is to acknowledge my own flaws.

I cannot imagine that this will be an easy, or pleasant, process.

I can only imagine that it is neccessary.

I hope this message finds you well, and I hope that you are in the best of spirits. Someday I will find you, and we can walk hand-in-hand into the autumnal sunset.

Until then I am on my own, and I will do my best to do well without you.

I will always love and miss you.



I drink too much and I am sincerely unhappy. I have had thoughts of suicide often in the past 18 days. There are no days when I feel happiness. There are only days when I can successfully feign happiness to others. My mind is absolutely fucking perfect. It is my mentality that is garbage. The only way that I can move forward is to acknowledge my own flaws. I cannot imagine that this will be an easy, or pleasant, process. I can only imagine that it is neccessary. I hope this message finds you well, and I hope that you are in the best of spirits. Someday I will find you, and we can walk hand-in-hand into the autumnal sunset. Until then I am on my own, and I will do my best to do well without you. I will always love and miss you. Regards, -Theo

(post is archived)

[–] 7 pts

No. Not this. Someone is going to work on themselves and quit a bad habit; don't encourage them to substitute it with some other kind of degeneracy.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Better than failing at quiting

[–] 3 pts

I guess that was supposed to hurt my feelings.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts


[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Someone very close to me quit alcohol with medical cannabis.

It worked

[–] 4 pts

I guess if that worked for them, good for them. But it seems only slightly better than a lateral move. If someone wants to aim higher with their goals (such as being clear-headed and not dependant on chemicals), it is disingenuous to suggest that substituting one drug for another is a good way to achieve this.

This is no slight to your friend though. If they improved their life, good for them.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

The drinking was related to PTSD so that's perhaps an exception

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

i want to try, but here its in my state with drug testing it just work that way.... they can just say fuck you. they are pushing laws if you are carded it can protect you but you have to go thru court i believe and all that bullshit

[–] 1 pt

Do you know what a brainlet is?
You're acting like one.

People like you, who know virtually nothing about the plant, are the reason it remains illegal. Niggers abuse it, sure. But, what don't niggers abuse that we've all found enjoyment with?

Do you even know what the endocannabinoid system is? It's always painfully clear when people have no idea what they're talking about...

[–] 4 pts

Forgive me, I didn't know I was among such big brained people.

I have no idea about the science of the endocannabinoid system. I know about the plant's effect on the body and mind only through my extensive personal experience with it.

I do not take issue with anyone using it. I take issue with recommending a drug to someone who is considering sobriety. Let 'em take a break if they want to, geez. The question of legality is totally irrelevant to this.

-a lowly brainlet (Seriously, I don't even watch Rick and Morty. The humor probably goes way over my microencephalitic head.)

[–] 1 pt

It can be very therapeutic.
You would do well to speak about things when you're confident in your knowledge of them. Clearly, you're quite new to the area.

Quit looking so soft.

The issue is, cannabis isn't a fix all.

Our brains aren't all the same.

[–] 2 pts

A good point.
Still, this doesn't negate the fact that TK should pursue something that so popularly works for others.

Cannabis is a psychedelic. The majority of them are being found to be extremely therapeutic and widely at that.