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The Judeo-Christian Church has never been on the cutting edge of science - on the contrary, it has been the one persecuting white intellectuals. The list of those who earned the wrath of the Church reads like a Who's Who of Science: Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Halley, Darwin, Hubble, even Bertrand Russell, and many more lesser known white intellectuals all around Europe. The Judeo-Christian Church has also been on the wrong side of the social sciences for over 1,500 years, actively promoting slavery, the torture and murder of atheist women as witches, sexual repression, censorship and the Inquisition, Crusades and other aggressive wars, and capital punishment for intellectuals questioning the Judeo-Christian religion.

This has given rise to a Christian field called apologetics, which attempts to defend the Church's actions, even claiming that science and Christianity are compatible friends, not enemies. But the atrocities and scientific errors were too profound, and stretched on for too many millennia, to be defended in any reasonable manner by any rational person. Nobody mentally sane can perpetuate the same mistake for 1,500 years, therefore the only logic explanation of the Judeo-Christian Church actions is a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to exterminate the elites of white intellectuals in all European countries in order to keep knowledge only for themselves and keep all the white people as ignorant and obedient goyems to serve the chosen semites.

If you want to become fully aware about all the horrors about the persecution and genocide of white people by the Jewish owned Christian Church and the extreme danger this absurd foreign institution represents for the white race even today, all you have to do is to look up on internet by typing "scientists persecuted and murdered by the Christian Church".

The Judeo-Christian Church has never been on the cutting edge of science - on the contrary, it has been the one persecuting white intellectuals. The list of those who earned the wrath of the Church reads like a Who's Who of Science: Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Halley, Darwin, Hubble, even Bertrand Russell, and many more lesser known white intellectuals all around Europe. The Judeo-Christian Church has also been on the wrong side of the social sciences for over 1,500 years, actively promoting slavery, the torture and murder of atheist women as witches, sexual repression, censorship and the Inquisition, Crusades and other aggressive wars, and capital punishment for intellectuals questioning the Judeo-Christian religion. This has given rise to a Christian field called apologetics, which attempts to defend the Church's actions, even claiming that science and Christianity are compatible friends, not enemies. But the atrocities and scientific errors were too profound, and stretched on for too many millennia, to be defended in any reasonable manner by any rational person. Nobody mentally sane can perpetuate the same mistake for 1,500 years, therefore the only logic explanation of the Judeo-Christian Church actions is a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to exterminate the elites of white intellectuals in all European countries in order to keep knowledge only for themselves and keep all the white people as ignorant and obedient goyems to serve the chosen semites. If you want to become fully aware about all the horrors about the persecution and genocide of white people by the Jewish owned Christian Church and the extreme danger this absurd foreign institution represents for the white race even today, all you have to do is to look up on internet by typing "scientists persecuted and murdered by the Christian Church".

(post is archived)

So the solution is No religion at all?