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Didn't read the details but the headline says it all

Updated with link, thanks stupid bird: https://www.scivisionpub.com/abstract-display.php?id=1811

Didn't read the details but the headline says it all Updated with link, thanks stupid bird: https://www.scivisionpub.com/abstract-display.php?id=1811

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 10 pts
[–] 8 pts

Bless you for finding and sharing the full text pdf

OP is gay for being lazy

[–] 3 pts

OP updated the comment with the link. No homo.

[–] 1 pt

That doesn't make you not gay

[–] 2 pts

OP is gay

Pot calling the kettle black

[–] 0 pt

No prob, here's a catbox of it too. https://files.catbox.moe/c5z4pt.pdf

[–] 2 pts

Appreciated, but I keep catbox domain blocked in my hosts file

Shit glows

[–] 3 pts

already being told by family that the doctor running this study is a "Known Anti-vaxer" and of course the fucking source was Politifact...

[–] 1 pt

I figured it would immediately get shut down.

[–] 2 pts

i find it surprising how recent this is considering how it only talks about how the control group might be destroyed, whereas it currently has been destroyed

[–] 2 pts

The initial paper was submitted in July, and the research probably happened quite some time beforehand. You're looking at some lag between your reading of this paper and when it was started.

[–] 1 pt

Severe morbidity is like the worst kind too.


[–] 6 pts (edited )

Details are.

The scientist used the manufacturer's own studies and added up all problems caused by the vaccines in their studies data.

When you use the metric "all problems and morbidities" its clear that the vaccines cause more severe problems than they help.

The vaccine makers instead used the metric "prevents severe covid infection" which is the wrong metric to use because that excludes all the non covid problems the vaccines cause.

Additionally even using the "prevents severe covid infections" metric the vaccines prevent a very small number of severe covid infections...like 6 out of 20,000.

The manufacturer's want you to only count the good which is slight. That would be like continuing to use thalidomide because the manufacturer's want you to only notice it reduces nausea in pregnant women and exclude the fact that it causes arm less and legless babies.

[–] 4 pts

Prevents severe covid by killing all people who would have gotten severe covid and then some for good measure.

[–] 1 pt

I really need the 6 out of 20,000 thing clarified. Is that because only a very small percent of people exposed develop severe infections to begin with?

[–] 2 pts

Hey @Theodore_Kent, would you mind sticking this one for a while?

[–] 1 pt

Fuck you, you sticky it faggot

[–] 1 pt

Fuck you, you sticky it faggot

I would if I could.

[–] 1 pt

Well I invited you to mod, so now you can

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I'm a "science" dude. I do stats.

I looked over the paper.

In every single scenario, there were more deaths in the control groups than in the vaccinated groups. So the vaccines do have that going for them, which is nice.

Moderna had the most "adverse reactions" of any of the vaccines, by far. But it is also the vaccine that is performing the best, by far, against the Delta variant.

Story time, chuckle-fucks:

I got the Moderna. It was required for me to do my job (travel) and I work in critical infrastructure - I care more about keeping the power on and keeping the terrorists away than I do about my health.

Here is my experience with the Moderna:

First Dose: The next day, I felt extremely tired. For the first time in 10+ years, I had to take time off of work. I took the afternoon off, sent my boss a message "I'm extremely tired from the vaccine. I'm going to sleep. I'm cancelling all afternoon meetings." I had no appetite. I slept for 12 hours straight. When I woke up, still no appetite. I knew it wasn't good so I forced myself to eat and drink water. I ate a protein bar and crackers. Drank a liter of water. Went back to sleep for 4 more hours and went to work.

But I felt lethargic from then on out until the next dose.

Second Dose: Wasn't so bad. I still felt very sleepy the next day. But I was a smart little bitch and scheduled the next day off. So I took a nap or 2 and rested.

But since then, I've been lethargic for MONTHS. I've felt lethargic this whole time. I don't have the energy to workout. I got 2 blood tests to see if there is anything wrong with me. Nothing. Going in for a 3rd blood test to see if my testosterone levels or thyroid levels are messed up to explain the lethargy (test levels being low doesn't make sense because I've been fine for years, no issues). It's very specific to the very next day after the vaccine so we are quite sure it was the Moderna vaccine.

I'm about 80% better from the lethargy thing. That 20% is still the difference between being motivated to workout and just wanted to go to bed. Hate it. I'm an athlete - I'm a muscled beast. I enjoy working out and competing. So I KNOW this vaccine fucked my body up. This is not normal for me. I didn't magically get a disease the day after my first dose.

Hope this helps others better understand the vaccine. Sure, you're giving yourself a much higher chance of surviving COVID-19 if you do get symptoms. And you're making yourself less likely to spread the virus. But if you have an adverse reaction like I did, it is not worth it. I didn't have a choice, really. Not everyone works in my sector and I enjoy the work I do.

[–] 1 pt

That sucks what happened to you.

Try to take NAC, or see if you can get blood chelation. I've read those might help.

[–] 0 pt

What's NAC?

And I will. I'll check on blood chelation. Thanks for this!

[–] 1 pt

N Acetyl Cysteine... Go to the health sub and I think there's a post there

[–] 1 pt

People keep digging up facts for what end?

They don't matter.

[–] 3 pts

FACT... but it doesn't matter

[–] 0 pt

Should be stickied at the top.

[–] -2 pt

You can trust a discredited anti vaxxer

[–] 3 pts

Can you share the details of his discrediting?

[–] -4 pt
[–] 4 pts

That just says it's been debunked, without specifying how. It also cites Wakefield as the original debunked but I have still yet to see his work debunked, only his person slandered (like "he cheated on his wife so vaccines don't cause autism because why would you trust him!")

[–] 1 pt

Right? The fact autism spikes with newborn vax requirements isnt anything tho.