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Good, I don't want you idiot libs anywhere near me.

Good, I don't want you idiot libs anywhere near me.

(post is archived)

[–] 13 pts

I will go out of my way to spend money at places that aren’t Covtarded. I will drive to a bordering state with no mask mandate if I want to shop or eat out. I hope masktard Covidiot business owners feel the burn in their bank accounts.

[–] 6 pts

Thanks for reminding me about something I wanted to post.

I agree about the COVID crap. There are couple places I've stopped going to because they are over the top with the nonsense.

[–] 9 pts

funny thing about this tweet is it can be interpreted from both directions

[–] 11 pts

Most republicans are much more tolerant than libs from what I've seen. They want to be left alone, it is the left that insists people conform to their beliefs.

[–] 3 pts

Most republicans are much more tolerant than libs from what I've seen.

That is a real problem.

[–] 2 pts

Too nice for their own good.

[–] 8 pts

Message to vaxxinated libs:
Stay where you are. Don't visit, and especially don't move to a Red state. We don't want you or your politics.

[–] 7 pts

secession NOW

[–] 2 pts

Exactly. Then march on DC and take out our fake totalitarian "leaders". We must stop this dictatorship.

[–] 5 pts

The "vaccine" does not prevent you from catching or passing on covid. The most it claims to do is ameliorate the worst symptoms. On that basis, it takes a certain thoroughgoing idiocy to believe that unvaccinated people are somehow more dangerous than vaccine survivors.

[–] 1 pt

There is a massive lack of understanding on both sides of how infections happen, why covid is sometimes so mild and sometimes so severe and how well a vaccine will protect you.

I do not think the vaccine is worth it for most younger people especially if they can obtain antivirals.

But if you are young and healthy and get immunized you are HIGHLY unlikely to pass covid on to someone else. That is because people with high viral loads are the most likely to pass the disease on, and people who get the vaccination (or have had the disease) and still contract the infection are likely to have only very low viral levels. This makes it hard to spread the virus onto someone else and even less likely to spread a severe case. Severe cases are associated with a high level of exposure to the virus.

We are thinking of infections in a binary way (got it / don’t got it) but we should be thinking of them in a ‘continuous’ quantity-based way. People who inhale small amounts of virus may not get the infection or may have such a minor infection that they have no symptoms and they are unlikely to spread the virus. People who inhale large amounts of virus get very sick and often die. Its quantity of virus.

We shouldn’t worry about vaccine leakage. It doesn’t matter if small quantities of virus get passed around. (((Their))) arguments about vaccine leakage usually revolve around mutations and variants developing, but virologists have shown that this a very slow mutating virus. The cataloged mutations are minor and will not significantly infect people who are already immune from previous exposure.

[–] 0 pt

The virus also replicates. Someone with a weak immune system, like an obese person, could develop a severe infection from a small viral load.

Certain behaviors can also deliver a high viral load, like touching your face. This is why hand sanitation matters way more than wearing masks.

[–] 5 pts

I wish this was true. They can't help but flock to our beautiful, safe areas.

[–] 0 pt

And then work to solve the problem of 'not enough diveristy'

[–] 4 pts

I'm not a fan of Trump, but I'm gonna go watch this shitskins reaction to watching him win the 2016 election.

[+] [deleted] 4 pts
[–] 3 pts

He's a lying fuck stick, my city is full of liberal tourist fucks that I wish would die from my unvaccinated ass. Sharing drinks with strangers, nothing, sex with strangers, nothing, I'm here trying to infect the whole lot of them and nothing. It's like my corona is defective or something.

[–] 0 pt

I’ll be worried about getting some of their nasty diseases, if I were you

[–] 1 pt

Bro, we've been through this, your Jabba the Pizza Hutt ass has no place lecturing my 6 pack abs about disease.

[–] 0 pt

When have we been through this, bro? What makes you think I’m obese? I’m the very picture of health, bro, believe me

[–] 3 pts

I love how the Young Turks have spent the decade dropping in relevance until this dude gets less traction than poal.

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