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[–] 0 pt

I’d change “huge deaths” to “significant deaths” but I otherwise agree. My reasoning follows.

The number of reported deaths from covid is on the same scale as heart disease, and is tiny compared to the overall population. There have also been problems with both deaths and cases being reported in a misleading way to make them seem larger.

However I’ve personally had and know a bunch of people who had a mild case, I know friends of friends who have died from it, and personally know one person who had a dangerously severe case and we talked about what it was like for him. It’s certainly not fake and can be very dangerous to a small minority who catch it.

I do think you’re right about disinformation being a problem here. I’ve had to reevaluate a bunch of things over the past few months after seeing claims from here turn out completely wrong. I think we need to accept that public groups with anything-goes moderation will always have bad and/or shizo actors. This is a low trust zone.

[–] 0 pt

Number of people died in US in 2019: 2.8 million

Number of people died in 2020: 3.4 million

That is huge. HUGE. Normally that number doesnt vary more than 5 % from the previous year. Deaths dont just jump 20% for no reason.

“Cases” were reported in a misleading way, I agree.

Several people I knew died of this, I guess 5 at this point. Everyone I know knows someone who died of it. It killed 1 out of 400 people in the state here. My neighbor today told me his son in law died of it, the guy was in his late 40s.

I think right wingers who are being irrationally penalized by covid fiats want to believe there is no virus and its just the flu, or whatever.

It is a more nuanced explanation that it is a really bad virus designed by the CCP with funding from our NIH and that is was probably accidentally released but then our government exploited it to their own benefit to steal an election while supressing cures that would have minimized the epidemic so they could push a bunch of untested gene therapies on the public and make lots of money while doing it while simulaneously breaking the will of the american people and getting 400,000 senior citizens off the social security liabilities column.

Thats a more complicated explanation.