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[–] 0 pt

I think your take is interesting. For one thing, it meshes well with our notions about the psychology of megalomaniacs. The idea that the highest powers of the world are constantly in a race to possess the most insidious weapons doesn't insult our common sense at all. Secondly, the idea that these efforts are always accompanied by mishaps - the Frankenstein's monster archetype - or unforeseen effects is, likewise, probably a long-lived cultural artifact for a reason. I'm thinking of Stephen King's The Stand at this moment.

Let me put it this way, you and I disagree about the magnitude of the real mortality of this virus, and this causes you and I to categorize it differently, because of all of the logic that falls into place after that first judgement call.

If I did not believe what I stated earlier, I'd probably agree with you fully.

I'm particularly attracted to the aspect where the powers that be are trying to 'make lemonade from lemons'. What's the phrase? Don't ever let a good crisis go to waste, right? There is even something in my intuitive understanding of the Jew that reconciles all of this with their tendency to capitalize on chaos. Perhaps it was a tremendous fuckup, and the guilty parties tried to optimize a bad situation, while weaknesses in our whole social structure just amplified the irrationality all the way down the ladder. Like I said, if I didn't think what I currently do, I'd think what you think. In other words, your analysis holds a close 2nd place in the running for 'what I think'.

I do believe you are underscoring the average morality due to flu, by tens of thousands on average. The CDC gives the wide range of 12,000 - 61,000 annually, probably reflecting that the flu has become less deadly as the years have gone by, and according to whatever the predominant strain was at the time. I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I also think the 400,000 deaths figure for Covid is dramatically inflated. Motive? I described that in my last comment, and I stand by the argument that this is at least as believable a dystopian possibility as a century of humanity believing in the Holocaust. If we've been able to fake 6,000,000 deaths for a century pre-internet and pre-corporate-control of the entire media establishment, then parading around the 400k figure on enough televisions is more than enough to fixate society on that number.

Lastly, I'll note that a lot of these local hysterias and inefficiencies you've pointed out (like the Church banning in Missouri) are all still expected under my theory. If the belief in this thing is real, people will act as if it is real, especially given the 'Karen effect' you've pointed out, which arises at least in part from the tendency of women to use virtuous behaviors and utterances as a kind of social currency.

[–] 0 pt

I do believe you are underscoring the average morality due to flu, by tens of thousands on average. The CDC gives the wide range of 12,000 - 61,000

You should know that is not the annual recorded deaths due to influenza alone or deaths due to influenza + pneumonia, both of which we have the actual data on. The underlying assumptions for “flu burden estimate” are described here and are incredibly flimsy and inflated imo. Another instance of trying to generate hysteria for their own purposes.


especially given the 'Karen effect' you've pointed out, which arises at least in part from the tendency of women to use virtuous behaviors and utterances as a kind of social currency.

You noticed. Ladies love crusades. It does seem to be a currency among ourselves. I think its estrogen. Over time I feel less of a need to give a fuck about what other women think of me, whether they think Im a nice person. When I was younger I really cared alot about that shit. Women really try to regulate the shit out of each other. There is something about being female and having some sort of pathological need to make the world fair for everybody. I suppose its useful in some contexts. But not as governor of Michigin. I guess we’re just nosey busy bodies.

I used to think you were named chiro because you said you worked in a chiropractor’s once. But now I think it must be chi rho. Am I right? You dont have to tell me, Im just being a nosey busy body.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I was only aware that those figures were the results of statistical models, and not actual data, but I was under the impression that this was due to limitations in reporting standards - something about how cases of influenza and influenza death weren't actually required to be reported as such and yada yada, and so it required estimation. If I'm honest, I haven't dived too deeply into it. That alone doesn't cause me to look at the 400k and think it's any more reliable, as if I wanted to say: "Yeah, but 50k of that could have been from flu!" I don't know if I'm being clear. A person could try to attack that figure by saying, "Well, it's actually less because influenza counted for a ton of it." What I'm saying is if I made that appeal, and it fails for the reasons you point out, it's still possible to doubt the 400k. You've just limited my options!

You dont have to tell me, Im just being a nosey busy body.

Haha. I don't mind at all. It's no secret. I did work in a chiropractic office. There was a time when chiropractice was the goal. It is the reason for my name, but I like the one you came up with more.

[–] 0 pt

That alone doesn't cause me to look at the 400k and think it's any more reliable, as if I wanted to say: "Yeah, but 50k of that could have been from flu!" I don't know if I'm being clear. A person could try to attack that figure by saying, "Well, it's actually less because influenza counted for a ton of it."

There could be 50k flu deaths in the covid number. But you still have to explain the relative increase from the previous year . Which could be fraudulent “deaths” or some back log of dead people but it just doesnt feel likely because too many people are involved in rolling up that data — they arent all orthodox jews so one is likely to spill the beans sooner or later.


It actually sometimes makes me think of chiron, who was also super smart, and kind of a cute horsey character to boot. Not to imply that you are horsey. But it would be kind of neat if you were.
