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[–] [deleted] 5 pts

This is why they switched from calling it "Corona Virus" to "Covid". Too many people were looking up Corona Virus and discovering it was simply the Common Cold.

A meme I made a year ago: https://i.ibb.co/72sMvzQ/Wakandan-Virus-cure-06.jpg

[–] 4 pts (edited )

People should just turn off the TV anyway. I was thinking last night about how fucked the education system is, and one of the things I connected it to was the loss of the classic sense of the liberal arts. We used to have really sophisticated understandings for how to build a human being, i.e. what sorts of things made a complete self. Now we teach kids so they pass tests to satisfy this or that criterion so a school can stay funded. Education has become a job like any other, so you graduate from one job to another, and we've become a bunch of TV watchers in our spare time.

We all really need to find:

(a) physical culture

(b) reading

(c) a craft

You need something physical and skilled (athletic to whatever degree it suits your likes), you need to be reading, and you need an art. An art does not need to be painting, for example, but could be anything where you are producing something that gets you into a flow state and challenges your skills to create something aesthetic. Music is a really excellent choice. Woodworking is another example. Gardening is another good one.

It's really up to you, but if you committed to this, you'd probably find that combined with all of the have-to's in life, you'd fill up your days really easily without much time left for TV.

If you want something social to do with your family or something, find an older film to watch that's pre-2000s era. Or have a game night - even better. Or if the weather suits, go outside and play yard games. Set up cornhole, or a badminton net, or throw a baseball or go hiking. I know it can be hard with the modern pressures on kids to constantly be connected, so it can be like fighting an uphill battle.

I find that phones are especially pernicious. I don't want to get into the hippy dippy shit here, but these things are meant to steal your intention and will. They do that really really well, so that you are getting pulled into something rather than exercising your own will and intellect. Whatever you do, try to start minimizing your time with television and phones as best you can.

[–] 1 pt

Do you think this textbook proves covid is “common cold”?

Here’s my point. While I dont agree with the tyrannical covid fiats and the karenesque hysteria, this is a very bad virus that is much worse than typical annual influenza and deadly to a massive number of people above 50 or 60. Huge numbers of people have needlessly died, and contrary to some opinions around here, they didnt deserve it because they were overweight or hypertensive or just old. When I see so many conservative young whites relishing the deaths of their own elderly I feel sick. Our government and the CCP killed millions of us and we stand around saying it didnt happen! Like that is a win.

But more importantly, now that the genie is out of the bottle, we will see more and more of these engineered viruses being launched on our population. Every tom dick and harry is going to be frankensteining viruses now. And these jackasses are self hypnotizing that there’s no such thing as viruses and masks will kill you. Do you see the problem?

[–] 2 pts (edited )

So you're positioning your theory against the theory that says Covid-19 is a common cold. I'd just revise that to suggest that the 'other' theory says Covid-19 is more like an influenza virus than a cold virus. So by contrast, yours says that Covid-19 is engineered.

What I want to ask is: for what purpose? What is the goal in engineering a virus of this kind? It's impossible to think that the goal could be sprawling depopulation. It's just not deadly enough, and we know enough about other viruses that, if the goal had been radical depopulation, then Covid-19 makes no sense for that purpose. To me, that suggests the purpose must be something else, whether that is psychological, economic, political, or some combination thereof.

Now consider this: if the goal of this engineered virus was not strictly material, that is, not a strict consideration of the direct bodily impacts of the virus itself, but where those effects were only meant to elicit a certain societal response that achieved the political/economic goals, then could we imagine that it would be more effective not to engineer a virus at all?

If all we really needed was the perception that this virus was such and such a thing, would it be easier to engineer a virus to accomplish just what you needed it to, within narrow confines for morbidity? Or, would it be easier to engineer the perception of a virus to achieve those effects, and eliminate all of the logistics of having to actually manage the spread of an 'organism'. Think of farmers and burning fields. Let's say you didn't want to burn your field, but you needed your neighbor to think you were burning your field. Is it simpler to actually burn your field and try to control it within narrow parameters, or would it be easier to create smoke and send people to tell your neighbor the fields were burning?

The Jew is a magical thing. They are obsessed with spectacle and misdirection. They created a Holocaust, not out of thin air, but by manipulating the existing facts in the media.

I'm convinced that the same thing is going on here. They are utilizing the existing facts to accomplish the fear of something, without actually having to engineer that thing. It's also similar to the Chicken Little effect: you scare people about the sky they've been living under for their entire lives. You just need a new spin on something existing in order to turn it into an object of fear.

I don't believe this 'pandemic' has been truly any more deadly than a perhaps worse-than-average flu season. I think through a combination of fudged numbers, data reporting, and fraudulent diagnoses/billing, we've received via the media a totally false figure on overall Covid-related deaths. That's necessary, however, to make us think the sky is falling. That's the smoke. But there is no field burning.

The influenza statistics are a smoking gun. For the first three weeks of January we had something like 50-100 flu cases registered for a period that, on average, sees orders of magnitude more cases of flu. They've created an elaborate narrative to mystify us about the flu. The flu is dangerous to the elderly every year.

But I also feel it's not as simple as flu = Covid-19. Rather, they have created a new category by synthesizing all of our regular respiratory ailments into a single category: common cold, flu, and pneumonia. There is a reason they selected a respiratory virus for these purposes, precisely because the symptomology for all of these has so much crossover. It allowed hospitals, despite unreliable or non-existent testing processes, to diagnose anything resembling these respiratory ailments as Covid-19.

So it isn't just influenza, it's that all of the ailments common to human lungs became something new: the sky falling. I think that if you combined the regular seasonal deaths among the elderly due to influenza and pneumonia or bronchitis/other respiratory tract ailments, you'd see that these are deadly to that group not just this year, but every year, and that their deadliness has been 'summed' by attributing all of them to a new, made up virus.

That's my take. Obviously none of us knows the cold, hard truth.

[–] 0 pt

the 'other' theory says Covid-19 is more like an influenza virus than a cold virus. So by contrast, yours says that Covid-19 is engineered.

No. Influenza, cold, po-TAE-toe, po-TAH-toe. I gues the distinction is severity. OC-43 coronavirus is a mild infection, bird flu might be significantly worse , covid is worse than that, at least for older people.

I believe that this virus was engineered to be a bad dangerous bug. But that is a separate issue from severity. I believe is is way more serious than the average annual flu. By maybe 50X. But of course occassionally you might have a very bad strain of that virus, like with the Spanish flu.

Severity and natural/ manufactured origin are separate issues.

I do not assume that they intended to launch this particular virus at this particular time on Americans or Europeans or whomever. I suspect this was an unintentional release. But i think it is the product of a military bioweapons program. They (CCP, Pentagon, various megalomaniacs) know it is in their interest to pursue this sort of technology as megalomaniacs. So they are playing around with these bugs and one got out of the sandbox.

The alternative hypothesis is that they are really breeding these viral chimeras to understand viruses better so they can cure them. But the CDC poured 10 million dollars into the Wuhan virology lab to research coronaviruses. So what insights did that research give us in the course of the last year in battling deadly a coronavirus? Wouldn’t this be the event that would justify that research? They havent given us any insights. Because they arent trying to cure viral illnesses. They are trying to make new more dangerous ones.

Covid itself was not the teleological purpose of the bioweapons program, its just an intermediate stepping stone toward their objective. So Im not sure its helpful to try to figure out what they were trying to accomplish with it. I think at some point they (jews) decided they could use it to make Trump look bad and steal an election with mail in ballots. It fell in their lap. So they made maximum hay from it.

The death statistics are the most convincing argument for my assertion— that this was the worst viral outbreak to hit the US since maybe polio or spanish flu. Even if they could get a lot of doctors to fudge on cause of death, there is still a 20% increase in the number of dead people in this country over the last 12 months. That is huge. You cannot tell me that they got doctors to sign off on an additional 400,000 deaths that did not really occur. Or that somehow they brought about an excess 400,000 deaths by some other means. And that they were able to coodinate this conspiracy within dozens of countries? Jews are not that good. There was a massive uptick in deaths and its roughly comensurate with the number of claimed covid deaths. Covid is a pretty attractive theory to explain those deaths.

Im not saying bureaucrats never lie. But Im saying its a pretty big lie to manufacture 400,000 deaths that didnt happen and get that many bureaucrats to go along with it. Bureaucrats are perfectly willing to distort data but loathe to commit outright fraud because they are afraid of getting caught. They manipulate facts as you say.

Yes there is this amorphous blobby category of flu-cold-viral-pneumonia-whatever which needs to be teased out if you want to prevent premature deaths, or unravel their lies. I discovered that their estimated flu burden statistic is totally pulled out of their ass and has been for years. But there were just too many deaths near me for this to be: typical flu + jewish lies. So many people I knew died in a single month! My neighbor just told me his son in law died. In his 40s. Maybe it didn’t seem that bad in some areas. But a huge number of people near me died in April.

I dont find it that weird that flu “took a year off.” While it usually kills about 10,000 people a year in he US, it seems to only hit in one or two regions in a year. So a state might not see significant flu for a decade or more. You can see this on the CDC influenza risk application. So because of the stochastic nature of influenza outbreaks gaining a foothold in any particular region, I dont really think its a huge stretch to say quarantining, social distancing were responsible for the absence of flu cases, not CDC fraud. But even if the CDC did recategorize flu deaths as covid deaths, it cannot explain the unprecedented 20% rise in deaths all causes.

Im not denying that there was not total hysteria instigated that had no useful purpose. They banned old ladies in Missouri from going to church. Covid never really hit those places. It was just punishment. It was just pointless tyrannical harassment directed at fly-over country—areas where masks and quarantines were not necessary. The only places where I think some limited lockdowns were useful were urban areas during the flu season. Applying the same policies to rural areas was just vindictive

It might be useful at this point to note that, the whole draconian, hysterical shitshow was made much worse by women in power. The bureaucracy has become female, and it reacted in a predictable hysterical irrational manner during this crisis. The female run satrapies of our governments and institutions are really particularly responsible for the capriciousness of covid policies. Why do I point this out? It is really part of the problem, that I cant unsee. Women were the enforcers and the water carriers for this clampdown on our freedoms. I find it personally embarassing and I think maybe we are not cut out to function in some of these decision making positions. You know, on average. Im obviously the exception. ;)

So to recap, I am not disagreeing that there was harmful useless arbitrary fiats implemented, some of which were intentionally meant to exploit and attack the people, some of which were just the natural consequence of too many bossy stupid karens in power. But at least 400,000 Americans (not to mention other people) were murdered, suffocated, years before they would otherwise have died. It is a very serious illness. There is a fucking cure. There are antivirals that will work if they are given early enough. That was all buried and kept from us. Because they want old white people to die faster so they dont have to pay for them.

[–] 0 pt

I’d change “huge deaths” to “significant deaths” but I otherwise agree. My reasoning follows.

The number of reported deaths from covid is on the same scale as heart disease, and is tiny compared to the overall population. There have also been problems with both deaths and cases being reported in a misleading way to make them seem larger.

However I’ve personally had and know a bunch of people who had a mild case, I know friends of friends who have died from it, and personally know one person who had a dangerously severe case and we talked about what it was like for him. It’s certainly not fake and can be very dangerous to a small minority who catch it.

I do think you’re right about disinformation being a problem here. I’ve had to reevaluate a bunch of things over the past few months after seeing claims from here turn out completely wrong. I think we need to accept that public groups with anything-goes moderation will always have bad and/or shizo actors. This is a low trust zone.

[–] 0 pt

Number of people died in US in 2019: 2.8 million

Number of people died in 2020: 3.4 million

That is huge. HUGE. Normally that number doesnt vary more than 5 % from the previous year. Deaths dont just jump 20% for no reason.

“Cases” were reported in a misleading way, I agree.

Several people I knew died of this, I guess 5 at this point. Everyone I know knows someone who died of it. It killed 1 out of 400 people in the state here. My neighbor today told me his son in law died of it, the guy was in his late 40s.

I think right wingers who are being irrationally penalized by covid fiats want to believe there is no virus and its just the flu, or whatever.

It is a more nuanced explanation that it is a really bad virus designed by the CCP with funding from our NIH and that is was probably accidentally released but then our government exploited it to their own benefit to steal an election while supressing cures that would have minimized the epidemic so they could push a bunch of untested gene therapies on the public and make lots of money while doing it while simulaneously breaking the will of the american people and getting 400,000 senior citizens off the social security liabilities column.

Thats a more complicated explanation.

[–] 0 pt

conservative young whites relishing the deaths of their own elderly

Da fuck are you gaslighting on about?

[–] 0 pt

Set up cornhole

Oh, I do, I do

[–] 2 pts

Ummmmm, exkyoooooz me sweaty, but we are ummm, *Smacks lips 5 times, we are on corovanirus number NINETEEN. You can't go off of a dusty old tome like that. Learn to trust the skyence

[–] 2 pts

The Irish minister for health when this virus broke actually made a very similar comment, but tragically he wasn’t joking. He assured the population during a radio interview that we shouldn’t be too concerned about finding a cure for Covid-19 since we had successfully cured the previous 18 versions of covid. And he was our minister for health as we faced into dealing with a pandemic. Unsurprisingly we are still locked down.

[–] 0 pt

was that the nigger or the morbidly obese woman?

[–] 0 pt

Ha the morbidly obese woman was Mary Harney, who sadly probably hasn’t been our unhealthiest minister for health. The nigger was actually a pajeet faggot called Leo Varadker who is tanaiste now. The moron who made the above comment was Simon Harris, a college dropout who took up the higher education portfolio after his worrying stint as health minister.

You know, having typed that out, I think I might be beginning to understand where the stupid Irishman jokes came from.

[–] 0 pt

Lmao the memes write themselves, don't they?

[–] 2 pts

Coronavirus is just a type of virus so called because the small elevations on it look like crowns (corona means crown). Some of these coronaviruses cause the common cold, but others cause things like MERS. That one type of coronavirus causes minor infections like the cold doesn’t automatically mean that all coronaviruses cause only minor infections. For example, on your post under pox viruses both cowpox (minor) and smallpox (major) are both listed as being caused by the same type of virus, but which sub classification each is in is very important.

[–] 2 pts

It's a NOVEL coronavirus that's new to our immune systems. The fun part is that this one (and the vaccines complimenting it) have 16 sequences of HIV genome within their little RNA "presents".

[–] 0 pt

where are you getting this info

This is a page from the American medical encyclopedia isn't it? Something like page 1045?

[–] 1 pt

Yes. The problem is that thanks to the media, we found ourselves in a post-scientific reality where facts do not matter.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

I saw this page posted on voat and couldn't find it again. It's insane when I show science books and articles/studies and still people ignore and deflect. I absolutely DETEST this world the way it is

[–] 1 pt

People are stupid. I haven't forgotten 9th grade science class but I definitely remember that whole what virus/bacteria causes what diseases chapters.

[–] 3 pts

Yeah people are stupid. I guess they simplistically assume that because two organisms are phylogenically close, that they would function the same way.

Who’s heard of molluscum? Its a kind of harmless wart that kids get all the time. Its a poxvirus. Its related to smallpox which is a killer. What does that prove?

A common species of coronavirus in humans is OC-43, which has been categorized as a “common cold virus” — it causes about 15% of what doctors have classified as “Common cold”. Just because doctors have classified one species as “cold” doesnt mean another related species isnt deadly. How stupid!

Are this many white people stupid? You cant understand that a broad generalization in a textbook based on the most common species at the time of publishing is not the air tight case you think it is that covid is harmless?

oh this definitely prooves it hurrrr

Fucking drooling retards.

[–] 1 pt

Do yourself a favour and bookmark this response, if only to save yourself repeating it within the day.

Perhaps with crayon drawings and an image of a Montessori wooden peg puzzle to accompany it, otherwise it's like a bat-signal to loitering Qtards scared of their own shadows.

[–] 0 pt

Found the Covid Karens...

Don’t you faggots have some public place to go to where you can berate and assault citizens for not wearing their masks or social distancing?

[–] 1 pt

I asked some guilt ridden boomer who was trying to tell me covid was real, it's the same as naming winter storms? If one of their boomer friends died for any reason in their minds that is further validation that chinaflu (which they don't dare call it that) was the reason..