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[–] 3 pts

Fuck it, I'm only mid 30s and am socially isolated. I haven't found anyone irl that realises things the way we do, and it's a downward spiral for me at this point. I have given up looking for new friends, but I have been surprised by some old ones. The message is getting through, but i fear it will be too late for me to organize a local community before I'm too old to be a good active father. The girls my age are atrociously vagrant, and the guys around feed into the same. WTF am I supposed to do? I finally have secured a good place, but good wifes are hard to find!

[–] 1 pt

You may be atheist but a good resource for based wives is in church groups.

[–] 0 pt

I try to be a SSPX Catholic. Though it means I have to drive 2 hours to the nearest Mass. There are plenty of great candidates there, but their expectations are high, as they should be, and the competition is fierce. I need to up my game in that sphere.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

A few things: Stay true to yourself and never compromise. Compromise will not find you the people you seek, nor will it provide you with the long term relationships you desire. Know your boundaries and stick by them. People will respect you when you are firm. Positivity, true positivity, is staying true to your authentic self by taking a step back and observing your reality using your god given willpower to manifest said reality you seek. Authentic positivity is like a magnet for most humans who are struggling to find their true self, who cloud their authentic “I” in dark storms of negative thinking. Life is all about choices within the parameters of the Laws of Nature and the universe: the choices we make define the reality we live. When you say you given up looking for friends, then that’s the choice you decided upon. You either accept it or choose a different route. Either way can lead to different forms of happiness; it’s all in your perception of the reality you define for yourself. If you wish the opposite, then choose to redefine your thinking to ascertain said goal in finding friends, a girlfriend, etc. I went through the same struggle in finding my wife and I’m still struggling to find friends that I can be authentic with. In said struggle, I’m finding that growing yourself and tending to your “spiritual garden” or as Jordan Peterson says, “Cleaning your room first before changing the world,” is like dropping a stone in a still pond - self care has a rippling effect that manipulates your entire world for the better. So remember - boundaries are your friends. Keep them, don’t compromise on them. Stay positive, authentically positive. Finally, tend to your own garden/field and people will see the amazing plants you grow and people or that special woman will see you for who you truly are. Be authentic. Choose happy.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks for the great reply, that's very good advice. I learned this on voat some years ago, observed it in a few aquaintances, and adopted the strategy. Took me from being an angry, suicidal reject to being a happy, monolithic contributor in my community. I legit willed myself out of depression, anyone can, and I explain this to depressed white people. Never coddle them or feed their attention-seeking, just bitch-slap them in the face with that truth. Its traditional in fact, Europeans have clearly withstood milenia of vile hordes and other calamities through sheer willpower, often trumpeting its necessity. "The Will of Europe still endures." - Voltaire probably.

A problem I have with the strategy is I often am perceived as just an asshole. Now women love an asshole, but they generally seek one they can manipulate. I've seen some truly amazing failed manipulation attempts from delusional whores, including a bitch trying to have me arrested for battery after I cut her off. Luckily she didn't slap herself hard enough for the cops to see the "evidence", but she tried. Got herself on record as a liar.

Oh the joys of the modern dating market.