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The Red Pill leads you to the ultimate question:

A. Will I be a Bachelor on my death Bed?

B. Will I have children at my death bed?

What is stopping you from getting married?

Genuine question. Why the non-commital? You know how women are. You know how to read women.


Why have you not tried to court a woman with mother potential?

You can't be too old. My coworker at age 55 just got married last year and had a child. While I can't imagine being that old, I respect him.

What's stopping you from geting married and having children?

The Red Pill leads you to the ultimate question: A. Will I be a Bachelor on my death Bed? B. Will I have children at my death bed? What is stopping you from getting married? Genuine question. Why the non-commital? You know how women are. You know how to read women. WHY HAVEN'T YOU COMMITED? Why have you not tried to court a woman with mother potential? You can't be too old. My coworker at age 55 just got married last year and had a child. While I can't imagine being that old, I respect him. What's stopping you from geting married and having children?

(post is archived)

[–] 8 pts

How does a redpill lead to that question, and how is that the ultimate question? Getting married and having kids isn't EVEN a question, it's just what you do. If you have to ask that question, the thing that is stopping you is you. That's the answer.

As for the ultimate question, that'd be something along the lines of "Are we alone in the universe?" or "How many ovens does it take to get to the center of a holocaust?"

[–] 1 pt

Are we alone in the universe?

You believe in a universe?

[–] 3 pts

The universe is fake and gay

[–] 1 pt

Made me laugh

[–] 7 pts

Why am I not getting married?

Legal system and society heavily biased against men.

If you have kids, you will likely not really be there to see them grow up as she will likely leave you.

Legal and economic consequences that can last years if not decades.

I don't want the government asserting itself over my relationships.

Reality is, she is likely 80% going to initiate a divorce before the 10 years. You will likely pay child support for kids that you hardly see. Possibly alimony, lawyer fee's for a divorce that typically takes 2 years to finish which will likely run in the 100,000 - 200,000 (that the man will likely have to pay) and of course you losing 1/2 of your stuff in the process on top of those other costs.

Getting married doesn't mean shit anymore, women don't care as they will be provided for till they monkey branch to the next sucker, they just want to find someone that will support them which means having a baby with them or marriage that last 10 years (depending on the state). Women are looking for providers, not a partner.

Children really need both parents full time, not this 4 days a month BS so I rather not have kids if I can't raise them.

Lastly, I like my freedom and having children eliminates that.

If she is a mental case, guess who is going to be a pain in your ass for decades if you have children with her. Imaging having her lawyer drum up some shit just to cause you problems? Ball and chain.

Now we're facing serious economic strife and the amount of debt people have accumulated and drowning under which means will likely see war of some sort which will cause more problems and I don't want to raise children in that environment. I've lost my father and I've seen the damage it causes for years to the family and I rather not subject them to that.

The juice isn't worth the squeeze.

[–] 6 pts

I don't want the government asserting itself over my relationships.

Get married and don't get a legal Government contract just do it in a spiritual marriage.

This obviously solves most of your cons though I have to ask;

Legal system and society heavily biased against men.

Don't you think this has always been the case to a large extent? Sure, in ancient Rome the man could legally kill his wife if she cheated on him, however, there is no way to ever know if the child is yours. In a large degree it's up to you to find a good woman. WHy do you not trust yourself to find someone faithful?

Lastly, I like my freedom and having children eliminates that.

Freedom for what? Masturbating to porn? What could you possibly contribute that is better than children? You aren't Tesla. You aren't inventing the next technology. What could you possibly grant to posterity other than your blood?

Now we're facing serious economic strife and the amount of debt people have accumulated and drowning under which means will likely see war of some sort which will cause more problems and I don't want to raise children in that environment. I've lost my father and I've seen the damage it causes for years to the family and I rather not subject them to that.

Bullshit excuse. I was born in the Soviet Union. There is no better time than now to get married and have children. Just lots of excuses, I keep hearing.

Muh Freedom

dude. I was getting drunk and banging worthless pussy with 'muh freedom' it's stupid. Nothing more gratifying than getting maried to a woman you trust and having children.

[–] 4 pts

Not everyone is meant to be paired up or a parent. Some people (me) are antisocial and enjoy their own company more than anyone else’s. I know that when I was in relationships with women, if my dick wasn’t in them, there was no other way they could fulfill me and that still holds true to this day. If I wasn’t drilling their pussy out, all the other time spent with them was not only a waste but caused me stress and agitation. Why would I do that to myself for a 2 second nut? Also, like he said, this twisted society has gender roles reversed and has the man enslaved. Me personally, I’m no longer a young man and I have a lot more life experience than some of you and I know what is best for me isn’t the consensus of some messageboard.

[–] 0 pt

>spiritual marriage

Good option, also a defacto marriage. Keep in mind that some countries/states will consider a couple defacto if you live together long enough or have a joint bank account. Australia is 6 months if she moves in with you. US has varying time limits so she could sue and win. Don't ever have a joint bank account with someone you're dating. If she moves in, have her sign a lease agreement.

> Finding a good women

My experience, most women put on a good women vibe for awhile and do all the things you want during the relationship phase. But once you get married, she will gradually stop doing those things and using those things as a way of control. It's going to be very difficult to know if this is what you will get once married. If she changes and she probably will, there is no recourse.

> Freedom

If you have a partner and children, you're a slave. Try saying no to that covid jab to keep your job.

>Nothing more gratifying than getting maried to a woman you trust and having children.

This is probably the case for most people if you're lucky enough to find that unicorn of a wife. What happens if you end up not trusting her after you get married? Opps.

[–] 0 pt

This is probably the case for most people if you're lucky enough to find that unicorn of a wife. What happens if you end up not trusting her after you get married? Opps.

This is why you treat finding a woman like finding a job. And let’s be honest we can see the red flags within the first hour of meeting someone

[–] 5 pts

The juice isn't worth the squeeze.

Since they give out the juice anyways. There is even less of a reason to get married.

[–] 1 pt

I bet you're real fun at parties.

[–] 4 pts

That was not a good use of the canned reddit response.

[–] 0 pt

Wouldn't know, I don't reddit.

[–] 5 pts

Most women are not worth it. To be fair, most men and women are, not by accident, in a state of arrested development. Most young/middle aged men who make decent money are useless coddled faggots, flaunting their money so they can plow equally vapid and dumb whores.

But for the salt of the earth men out there the sad reality is that until you're 30-40 there are almost no women worth your time. Though they see you as not worth their time so irony all around.

If you find a good woman, not perfect, good, honest and if she doesn't have kids or a body count over 5 by the time she's 25. Then you better nut up and get to work. The reality is that, everything is fucked, it always has been because that's life. Women nit-pick and wait for the best to come to them. If you're a man you find something that's close enough, something that in principle can work and then you work to make the world a better place.

Real men recognize and respect effort not just results. However if you fail or slip it's your attitude about it that matters most. This was hard for me to learn because I grew up around so many effeminate men who believe that only results matter. Seeing all the dude-bro jocks plow through vapid pussy and driving nice cars, living the life since they were 16 and then going directly into management. I had many boys like this as bosses or managers and they all are too weak to recognize and reward true skill. I thought being a vapid shallow prick was what was necessary because it seemed to e and tine again those are the kinds of people who get ahead. They do, but only because the well is poisoned. This will not be the case forever because it is a culture that is at it's core inefficient and broken.

[–] 4 pts

Nobody deserves the punishment of being with me everyday other than myself.

[–] 3 pts

My wife doesn't deserve my retarded autistic dickhead excuse of an existence, but hey, she agreed to it anyway. She even let me put babies in her. Women are crazy and stupid. They deserve whatever they get. I love my crazy stupid wife, and she for whatever reason seems to love me. It's weird.

[–] 4 pts

Finding a good woman means you can't be completely superficial and focus on looks. She has to have the right mindset.

[–] 0 pt

I'm having this dilemma right now. Found and have gone on a couple dates with an unjabbed, similar age, childless, mother figure who wants lots of babies. So much so she has fostered multiple babies from newborn to toddlers. But in the looks department... Eh. She needs to loose 50 pounds. It's just a turn off.

[–] 1 pt

Losing weight is doable. 50#s is a 7 month job.

Genuinely fugly is difficult to overcome.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I'm talking about Instant Pot stuff with her now. Really like my Instapot....

[–] 4 pts

You're not even making an argument to get married. What are the benefits?

[–] 5 pts

None for me. If it weren’t for the possibility of a child I would actually look at the arrangement as health hazardous like a Benzo addiction or something.

[–] 1 pt

You don't need a wife to raise a kid. So is that even a reason?

I would actually look at the arrangement as health hazardous like a Benzo addiction or something.

I feel that. I won't even live with a woman, let alone marry one. I only needed to make that mistake once. I knew what I knew now 20 years ago, I could have avoided that mess.

[–] 4 pts

You need a lot of money to raise a kid by yourself. It costs like $100K for a woman to take in vitro fertilization and carry your kid to term. I briefly considered it.

I consider myself lucky to have never married. When I was 28 or so, I lived briefly with a woman and she did a lot of nasty, spiteful shit that I was legally powerless against and for a year I walked around day dreaming about murdering her, so I can only imagine what it would be like to have a nasty divorce and have some woman use your kid against you and having to coordinate your visits with her and some other dude. I’m getting angry just thinking about it!

[–] 3 pts

My wife. If anyone has any advice on how to get her to stop messing it all up, I would appreciate it.

[–] 1 pt

wise guy. You have children?

[–] 1 pt

No. All that is over for me. I was making a joke about my wife not letting me get married and be happy lol

[–] 2 pts

Current crop is shitty and rotten. I'm also shitty and rotten. shit merging with shit just makes a bigger pile.

[–] 2 pts

I've had a pretty bad run with women and lately for the past year or so as soon as one is interested all I can think is how to get the fuck away from her. It's not on purpose and it sucks and I can't seem to force myself to not do that. Happened again last week and she was a knockout.

On the plus side, if I decide how I can best dedicate my life to the cause I can go in 100% and all they can hurt is me.

[–] 1 pt

if I decide how I can best dedicate my life to the cause I can go in 100% and all they can hurt is me.

I'm in my early 30's it wasn't till then that I decided I wanted children and a wife. I had my "freddom" and decided it was worthless. I was in an unique position. I was with very beautiful women...women who were related to local politicians. My experience showed that they were damaged. And I was damaged by trying to extract popularity by proxy.

Now obviously my journey is different that most. My story though, is to show that I "had it all". I finally took a quiet life and when I "DECIDED" to find a wife, I treated it like a job application, much like i would do to advance my career. I knew the red flags and bent a few, but my goals was a "wife who wanted to stay at home." My foucus was not on career but on my future. I found one.

First date. That's what she wanted. She had daddy issues (red flag). She wore VANS (red flag) and yet I was confident in myself to maintain my frame that i was the master of the relationship. Now, yes, you could be right. 10 years from now I could be fucked and lose everything. Yes.

However, I have a child and I can't describe to you the feeling. All the Black Pills in the world. I would lose everything if it meant birthing this child into the world. I would still repeat the mistakes. Bad runs and Bad women. You can only do your best. Treat women like finding a career. That's all you can do. The rewards though....man is it amazing.

It genuinely is. Don't let politics dictate your own personal happiness...because that's what politicians want you to do...destroy your future. I would know. I was in politics and they are degenerate liars.

[–] 1 pt

It's funny you say that I was also with a DC politician's daughter for a couple years and yeah she was a mess.

And don't get me wrong, I would prefer to have a wife and family and I would be much happier. But I think you missed the part where I said this is happening like an reflex and I can't seem to override it. It's not a conscious or rational choice I'm making.

[–] 1 pt

Rational choice...reflex

It’s not my job to guide you. We obviously have a similar experience, my point is that I finally CHOSE the rational choice and I stopped the reflex to fear porn narratives (and literal pron).

I appreciate this conversation. I just hope you realize that you deserve a child and a trusting woman. And the woman is there, you simply have to chose the trust and faith it takes to find one.

Good luck and have faith in the confidence of your decisions

[–] 0 pt

You don’t want a relationship right now which is ok.

But don’t be a slut maker, it’s difficult but you are ruining the happiness of future men by turning women into whores

[–] 0 pt

Slut maker? You gotta find them pretty young for that and I'm not trying to be Pedo

[–] 2 pts

Been there, done that. She was cute and always wanted to fuck. That stopped the day after we got married. Getting divorced saved my sanity. She ended up homeless.

[–] 1 pt

It's not rape if you're married, just saying.

[–] 0 pt

If she drives you insane to the point of seriously considering suicide, sex is the last thing you want.

[–] 2 pts

B. Will I have children at my death bed?

Why would you want your children to watch you die? That's fucked up man, just go out in the woods and die by yourself. Even cats have that common dignity and cats are fucking horrible.

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