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I need help.

I've been on NoFap for 4 years, had some slip ups but still going strong. I just don't know how to kick the bottle on my own.

Alcohol has done nothing for me positively. It's caused me to be promiscuous, lose relationships, in trouble with the law multiple times, lose jobs, gotten weaker (I used to be jacked, now I've got a bmi of 26 which is embarrassing for me) not reading as much, not writing in my journal as often, more prone to PMO while hungover/drunk... It's devastating.

I'm a 28 y.o. man and I need to change. I don't have a car, license, girlfriend, house, anything. I got a second DUI 8 years ago and still can't get my license back even though I don't live in the state it occured in. I haven't been sober a single day this year so far. I've been able to stop looking at porn because the connection of vileness.

I just need to get my shit together. I can't keep this in my life.

I guess this is step one... There is a problem, and I'm going to fix it.

I need help. I've been on NoFap for 4 years, had some slip ups but still going strong. I just don't know how to kick the bottle on my own. Alcohol has done nothing for me positively. It's caused me to be promiscuous, lose relationships, in trouble with the law multiple times, lose jobs, gotten weaker (I used to be jacked, now I've got a bmi of 26 which is embarrassing for me) not reading as much, not writing in my journal as often, more prone to PMO while hungover/drunk... It's devastating. I'm a 28 y.o. man and I need to change. I don't have a car, license, girlfriend, house, anything. I got a second DUI 8 years ago and still can't get my license back even though I don't live in the state it occured in. I haven't been sober a single day this year so far. I've been able to stop looking at porn because the connection of vileness. I just need to get my shit together. I can't keep this in my life. I guess this is step one... There is a problem, and I'm going to fix it.

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

Good luck. Try talking to God about

[–] 3 pts

I've looked into your future and you will beat this. Except every bit of help that is available to you, all of it. You need to completely disassociate with all of your drinking friends. I don't care if you've known them your whole life, you don't talk to them anymore. You don't go into environments we are going to be pressured or tempted to drink. Get back into fitness, it will be your Saving Grace.

[–] 2 pts

It takes a big man to admit when you are struggling and you should be proud of yourself. And you aren’t the only one, these lockdowns have made a lot of people struggle with many vices so don’t bear yourself up over it.

Keep us in the loop on your progress and I hope you find a good community to join that keeps you focused

[–] 2 pts

Best of luck mate

Every new moon is a new opportunity to bring more of what you want in life. You grow as the moon grows.

After every full moon is an opportunity to push out of your life bad habits or things that don't serve you.

When ever you have a craving say to your self. I reject that... or I banish that thought. You be the gate keeper of your own mind. The work needs to be on your subconscious side and get the habit of it out. Also try some quick things. After the holidays I switch to sparkling water. I call them my clear beers.

Also I think no fap isn't serving you. Men and women have different orgasms and goals in sex. Women want it to last long with foreplay build up and multiple times. Men erupt and then die. Le petit mort.

Men and women also typically drink for different reasons. Women drink to more easily converse and drink less and throughout the night. Similar to how they enjoy sex. Men can drink like women but can also get caught in another trap. Where we drink and then continue and then we black out or just get that numb face feeling and die. Have a different kind of petit mort.

So everything is a cycle. And most problems in peoples life is they are dealing with a jam. Your balls want to explode and you want to experience the little death. So each night you do it through drinking.

Also try having dedicated days for things. Tuesday is here it night. Friday is beer night. Also finish the beers that night.

Everything in moderation.

[–] 1 pt

I like NoFap. Fills me with energy. But the end of your statement is something I've been trying to achieve for two years now. I need to cut it all off now though, for real. No substances clouding my judgement. I can't keep waking up hungover.

Good luck. Find out the why you drink. Will be a hint on how to make it stick this time. Your way hasn't worked for two years. Time to try something new. If each Tuesday is too much. Try every full moon. And then eat liverwurst or something after or before so you don't feel the nutrient drain.

[–] 1 pt

Good luck. I presume going to AA is the easy part, and stopping drinking the hard part.

[–] 1 pt

I was in the same boat. I was 29 when I went to rehab for an out of control binge drinking habit. I didn't have a license, car, money, or house, either. I enjoyed drinking and partying very much, but when I woke up the next day, I hated myself. I got 10 years no drinking in May. The way I kept away is blunt honesty to myself. I didn't blame my problems on anyone and I took full responsibilities for my actions. I was the one who made myself drink. I was the one who decided to drink every night, but I was also the one who decided not to drink, and decided to stay away from it altogether. AA works for a lot of people, and I'm not at all trying to say its a bad thing, just somethings work better for them than others. I myself found the people in AA always blaming other problems for the reason they are alcoholics. X happened to my, which is why I drink. I dont see it that way. To me, its 2 different issues. Plus, people in AA use the program way too long. If your in AA for 20 years, you don't have a drinking problem, you have psychological issues. Recognize the difference, it will help in the long run. Just be 100% realistic and 100% honest to yourself at all times. Alcoholism is NOT a disease, we do it all to ourselves. God, or your higher power, will not drag you out of this mess, only you can. Tell yourself every day, "I don't have to not ever drink again, I'm just not going to drink today" if you have to. I did. When you start stringing together consecutive days, you'll find yourself striving to continue the abstinence. You will make yourself proud, and for me, being proud of myself was something I did not feel when drinking. After a while, you will reflect on this time in your life, and for me, reflection is the number 1 way to stay away from drinking. I never want to go back to who I was then.

[–] 1 pt

Abusive binger or dependent user?

One's harder to deal with than the other

[–] 2 pts

Abusive binger. I don't need it, i just don't like feeling anything.

[–] 2 pts

My solution was figure out how many drinks before my "Not paying attention to how much I'm drinking" retard-self activates, then never go over that amount.

[–] 1 pt

A relation of mine has been going to AA for 10 years, and been dry for 10 years. I hope it works for you. Good luck.

if you need someone to talk with on here feel free to pm me

[–] 1 pt

I’ve been sober for six years now. I feel fantastic. You can do this, and it’s totally worth it. If you ever have any questions or concerns just send me a message.

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