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There's been a lot of bitching about this website.

Muh post has been moved

whaa whaa whaa. What the anarcho-capitalists don't understand is that there are always Kings. There is always a leader even in the natural world.

ESPECIALLY in the natural world.

Take the Silver Back Gorilla. That nigger is king and protects his tribe and if another tries to supplant him and wins the defeated silver back's kids are killed. Take lions. It's the same thing. Natural law has leaders. It has always been that way.

Anarchy is stupid. It never works because it breaks the Natural Law of God. You are here on Poal and if you break the rules stop bitching. Same with this sub. If you break our rules you will be deleted and/or banned. It's not a big deal. Just learn your lesson.

Speaking of Lessons. Be a leader in your community first. Be a leader of your family First. We can't control elections. We can't control politics. Stop worrying about that shit. Do you know what I worry about? Wheather or not my crop of garlic will be fruitful this summer. That is what matters.

Build yourself. Don't worry about the affairs of the world. If the enemy comes, then let it come. Better yet, with the internet, we know ahead of time what is to happen. If you live in a big city. Move the fuck out. Meet your neighbors and become friends. They will protect you.

There will always be kings and thank God we are not in those positions. There are laws that apply in those positions and I don't want them. They are difficult and steal your soul. There's a reason why Jesus said, "Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars". Remember those things. Fear not. You are here because our ancestors survived thousands of years of hardship. We will continue to survive.

Be smart and follow God. For he is the only way that is in line with Natural Law.

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There's been a lot of bitching about this website. > Muh post has been moved whaa whaa whaa. What the anarcho-capitalists don't understand is that there are always Kings. There is always a leader even in the natural world. ESPECIALLY in the natural world. Take the Silver Back Gorilla. That nigger is king and protects his tribe and if another tries to supplant him and wins the defeated silver back's kids are killed. Take lions. It's the same thing. Natural law has leaders. It has always been that way. Anarchy is stupid. It never works because it breaks the Natural Law of God. You are here on Poal and if you break the rules stop bitching. Same with this sub. If you break our rules you will be deleted and/or banned. It's not a big deal. Just learn your lesson. Speaking of Lessons. Be a leader in your community first. Be a leader of your family First. We can't control elections. We can't control politics. Stop worrying about that shit. Do you know what I worry about? Wheather or not my crop of garlic will be fruitful this summer. That is what matters. Build yourself. Don't worry about the affairs of the world. If the enemy comes, then let it come. Better yet, with the internet, we know ahead of time what is to happen. If you live in a big city. Move the fuck out. Meet your neighbors and become friends. They will protect you. There will always be kings and thank God we are not in those positions. There are laws that apply in those positions and I don't want them. They are difficult and steal your soul. There's a reason why Jesus said, "Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars". Remember those things. Fear not. You are here because our ancestors survived thousands of years of hardship. We will continue to survive. Be smart and follow God. For he is the only way that is in line with Natural Law.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 4y

What about anarcho capitalism suggests a leadership vacuum? Of course there are leaders; i am free to stroke my dick at them and ignore anything that they say though.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Perfect response. What stops you from stroking your dick to a 6 year old in anarcho capitalism?

[–] 0 pt 4y

I said "at" not "to," as in, make masturbatory gestures and dismiss w disrespect. But let's say your idea: what stops me now?

[–] 0 pt 4y

That’s the point, liberalism and anarcho capitalism is pedophile heaven.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Nature abhors a power vacuum.

Nice post.

Voat was close to "anarchy" in the sense that the admins were completely hands-off for a long time. Even then, leaders emerged.

[–] 0 pt 4y

exactly and as much as some people don't want to hear. With the absence of leadership Voat died.

Now i'm not discounting there was stuff behind the scene going on, however, it's still an example of when leadership fails the movement dies. Aka Voat

[–] 0 pt 4y


[–] 0 pt 4y

We Wuzz and am Kangs

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

You're also wrong, the state wants control of your family and will brainwash them with the media if not with their schools because they know how powerful we can be united.

Lose the state to despotism and the rights to local power disappears as well.

Quit acting like a powerless little bitch, we're powerless because we're Lone wolves.

You're right we need leaders and need leaders for our interests.

[–] 0 pt 4y

YOu bring up good points. My entire post is about the danger of Lone Wolves--don't be one.

Now let me ask you a question, which is more dangerous:

A. A Government

B. A Corporation

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

They're the same thing, corporations are the state and the state are the corporations.

Companies like Wal-Mart and Google exist in a positive feedback loop with the establishment, that's why they all take sides and all side with leftists.

Most of these companies don't even make a profit, some like twitter never have at all

[–] 0 pt 4y

They are different and you didn’t answer the question

[–] -1 pt 4y

Christ is King.

[–] 0 pt 4y

OP is a queen.

[–] 0 pt 4y


[–] 0 pt 4y

Talk about a delayed reaction!