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Had dreams last night! Good sign.

Had dreams last night! Good sign.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Stay strong, totally worth it! I was a very heavy drinker for years, took a year for me to get back to default brain function. My progress has positively influenced ppl around me. There is a reason alcohol adverts get blasted on the sheep 24/7, take your money, oatmeal your brain and ruin your relationships.

[–] 4 pts

Keep going. It's worth it. Enough years in to have lost count, it is the first step toward a better, meaningful life.

[–] 3 pts


You should hopefully start feeling better already. If you are starting a day late you can just add an extra day at the end to count it as successful completion.

[–] 3 pts
[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Slept like a rock last night.

[–] 1 pt
[–] 0 pt

Sleep well. Get a good nights rest.

[–] 1 pt
[–] 2 pts

Going strong so far. Feels good man.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Excellent. Keep going, you can do it. Also sw0rd said everyone can flair their posts now. While you've got my attention, let me know if you're having any problems there.

[–] 1 pt

I'm doing great! Thanks, carnold.

This might also be for you, @TheWickedNeverRest

[–] 2 pts

That's a good sign! Keep up the good work.

[–] 2 pts

How much were you drinking? It may be safer for you to wean off slowly, rather than stopping cold turkey. Alcohol withdrawal can actually kill you.

[–] 1 pt

Too much everyday for 5 years.

[–] 1 pt

This. Alcohol withdrawal can actually kill you. Even withdrawal from relatively low levels of booze can be hazardous. Check in with your doctor to discuss what you're doing. You may need some short term medication to stop you having seizures...it will also make it easier.

[–] 0 pt

^ This, @TheWickedNeverRest.

The seizures can fry your brain. And then there's the shakes, the sweats, and the hallucination, all of which don't make it much easier to quit. These symptoms usually start anywhere from 24 to 36 hours after your last drink. Do consult a doctor if you begin experiencing withdrawals. Speaking from experience.

[–] 1 pt

Ok. Thanks! I never day all day. Just the evenings.

[–] 2 pts

Congrats and good luck.

When I first tried to stop drinking I hid a 26 in the freezer so I could take the odd nip, unfortunately the odd nip was actually smashing vodka from the bottle. So that didn’t work.i was still convinced I was just a joe 6pack but not being able to stop convinced me otherwise. So I know this is no small feat. My advice don’t think long term. A month seems like forever. Everyday when I woke up I’d say “I won’t drink for today.” Eventually I strung a few days together then a few weeks then a few months.

[–] 0 pt

One day, period, hour at a time. Works. I am using hot tea and coffee as substitutes in the evening and formulating distracting constructive behaviors, such as to read, excersize, clean, build, destroy, and be more open and available for those I love.

[–] 2 pts

That’s great, Booze had replaced most of what I should have been eating at lunch and dinner. I drink a lot of coffee and tea these days myself. I did a lot of walking , mustard of the universe got me into fishing and playing the guitar. Hobbies and staying busy are a key to success.

[–] 1 pt

That’s awesome! Mustard is a good dude, and playing guitar is way more rewarding than booze.

[–] 2 pts

Awesome! The first day is the hardest.

[–] 1 pt

Dry from what? How much and how often were you consuming it?

[–] 1 pt

Good job. Don't let that jew poison cloud your judgement any more.

I had some Jap at a restaurant force me to drink rum and made me fall off the wagon.

[–] 0 pt

"Force you" You fucking pussy, own your relapse. Then next time it might not happen

He didn't tell me what it was. I thought i twas sauce or something.

[–] 1 pt

You should celebrate.

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