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Well, my health has actually had enough of an upswing that I feel good enough to go to an actual gym in order to actually better myself physically and hopefully keep up medically. However, I don't know the first thing about exercise other than "lift with your legs, not with your back." Should I go with a bigger gym (24hour fitness is closer to me, but they're pozzed for certain) or a smaller one that may not have as many options? What vitamins and/or supplements should I stock up on to pair with exercise to ensure I'm not lacking anything essential, if any can't be obtained best with food? Any good starter groups of exercises to work into the whole routine?

Lambast me for being an idiot all you want, but there's a bunch of clutter around trying to learn about fitness, lots of people who lie or over complicate to get cash or attention. On the flip side, back in high school, the most the PE teacher did was say "This machine is good for this, those machines are good for that, go nuts" when unleashing the class on the weight room. Which didn't help either, because he didn't actually talk about actual healthy gym time or a good balance.

Well, my health has actually had enough of an upswing that I feel good enough to go to an actual gym in order to actually better myself physically and hopefully keep up medically. However, I don't know the first thing about exercise other than "lift with your legs, not with your back." Should I go with a bigger gym (24hour fitness is closer to me, but they're pozzed for certain) or a smaller one that may not have as many options? What vitamins and/or supplements should I stock up on to pair with exercise to ensure I'm not lacking anything essential, if any can't be obtained best with food? Any good starter groups of exercises to work into the whole routine? Lambast me for being an idiot all you want, but there's a bunch of clutter around trying to learn about fitness, lots of people who lie or over complicate to get cash or attention. On the flip side, back in high school, the most the PE teacher did was say "This machine is good for this, those machines are good for that, go nuts" when unleashing the class on the weight room. Which didn't help either, because he didn't actually talk about actual healthy gym time or a good balance.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

Like everything else in the world, most of what you hear about fitness is fake. They just want you to spend money you don't need to.

The best gym for you is the one you'll go to. If it's a big brand open 24/7 that's nearby, fine. If it's some mom and pop joint because you like a personal feel that's fine too. They'll have what you need. Yes, some equipment is better than others. But for most people (like 99%+) it doesn't matter. If you're a pro athlete or trying to win Mr. Olympia or something sure, but to just be healthy and look good on the beach whatever they have will be fine as long as you use it consistently.

You don't need vitamins or supplements. Most people (like 99%+) are just buying expensive pee with those. Just eat healthy. Yes, if you're doing pro-athlete level workouts or something they can make a difference, but if you're just doing normal keep in shape activity you are getting everything you need from a healthy diet.

What's healthy? You fucking know. No gimmicks, just don't eat junk.

What routine is best? This is where you can only learn from experience. There are so many because people do respond differently to different things (volume vs weight, frequency, split, etc). You'll kinda have to figure it out. However, for the most part the best routine for you is - you fucking guessed it - the one you'll do. Just pick one that sounds good to you and be consistent. An ok routine done all the time is way better than a perfect routine done occasionally.

[–] 2 pts

The most important part of it is to show up. Plan it in your daily calendar and go. Even if you don't feel like it, just go. There will be days you absolutely don't want to and your lazy brain will make all kinds of excuses. Just go.

Start small. You're not used to working out so start with very low weights, even the smallest ones possible and do a good amount of reps. If you kill yourself on day one, the chances of you not going back day 2 are huge. You might want ro start at home and see if you can keep up with even push-ups. Start with a low number, 20 as an example. If that is too high for you, take it down, even to one if you have to. Do the one push-up. 2 hours later, do another. 2 hours later 2 another. Do that until you have sets of one push-ups done on day one.
Day 2, increase each set to 2, now you have just doubled your work since yesterday. Day 3, you're at 15 push-ups. By day 20, you'll be knocking out 100 push-ups a day. That might be an impossible thought for you now, but in 20 days you'll be proud of yourself.

If something happens along the way, you hurt your foot or something, and you can't put weight on it, do modified push-ups (girl pushups) where you have the weight on your knees. You owe these push-ups to yourself, and if you're not going to pay yourself, why should anyone else? Keep building. If you have to stay at a certain number for a few days do so, but don't miss the days.

Along the way, you'll feel like you have more energy. Start doing some lunges or other body weight exercises. Build yourself up slowly, but progressively. This will help you avoid getting injured from exercises.

Don't give a shit about what anybody says. If someone is already super fit and they shit on you, they're an asshole, which is pretty rare. If they're a slob and they shit on you, take names and make sure to go say "hi" in a year from now and watch their jaw drop. You do this for you, you decided to do it, so do it because you want to and you want the results.

When you get into weights, same thing. Start low and build up over time. Don't juice with roids, there are no shortcuts and the consequences are not worth it.

Help your liver out. Get rid of seed oils, cook your food in olive oil or coconut oil. Eat lots of eggs and beef, with a good amount of fat in it. Have some cruciferous vegetables with it. Steam them to nullify the anti nutrients.

TRACK YOUR PROGRESS DAILY. You can't manage something that you don't measure.

Make sure you never miss a day. This is such key point. You want the results, you have to do what it takes. You will only do what it takes if you make it a part of your life. Coke heads do coke. Gym bros go to the gym. Whatever it is you want, make that a part of yourself.

Take a picture of yourself now. Save it and take one a year from now and show us the improvements. You asked for our help, we provided. Now do the hard work.

[–] 2 pts

Start at home. Eat correctly. Get enough water. (All you need, your body will tell you how much by the color of your urine.) Sleep correctly. Start with those. Work your fitness routine into your daily schedule. AND STICK WITH IT. The most important day you get to the gym, is the day you don't feel like it. Not because your sick or hurt- because you want to be lazy. Sick and hurt, get rest.

Listen to your body. If something hurts, stop doing that. Sore from a workout doesn't mean pain.

Stretch. Everyday, a week before you start. Everyday before you start. And post cool down end of your workout.

Things happen, life happens. Do your best and don't lie to yourself or try and fool yourself into or out of anything.

Good luck.

[–] 2 pts

I've got no problem with people going to the gym. That's them. But to think that just by going to the gym you will be healthier is delusional. You have to live healthy if you want to be healthy. As far as health goes you can get a much cheaper workout for free at home.

Start riding bike, walking, hiking, running, push ups, pull ups, sit ups, stretching, planking, climbing, etc.. Your core will thank you. Natural movement will develop your core much faster than controlled robotic movements. Strength is nothing without core strength and unless you devote long hours everyday to the gym your core will never keep up with your exterior.

Stay away from (((vitamins and supplements))). If you need them, that means you are not eating healthy. Every vitamin and mineral you need can be obtained through food.

What ever you decide to do STICK WITH IT. Start small. Don't try to be a hero on day one. That is only setting yourself up for failure. I could recommend hundreds of things for you to try, but nothing will compare to you doing your own research and deciding what is best for you...

Just my 2¢

[–] 2 pts

Stfu about supps and splits and PEDs. Wake me up after you've been going for ONE MONTH CONSISTENTLY

Start easy and don't be a retard boomer with a faggot ego lifting 6million times what you should. Start easy and perfect your form and let your joints and ligaments build up.

[–] 1 pt

Starting strength by Mark Ripptoe

Read it. Learn.

[–] 1 pt

Develop and plan an HIIT workout session based on whatever equipment your local gym has. Optimum nutrition whey for before or immediately after workout, casein protein that slowly dissolves over hours right before bed, creatine hcl con-cret is a good brand. if you're cutting plan a diet low in carbs, if you're bulking go for a diet high in carbs.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks for the advice. Anything I should look for or avoid in the whey powder?

[–] 1 pt

optimum nutrition (ON) is a good brand. I don't recommend their multivitamins tho as the smell of the pills could gag a donkey. but don't bother w/ the fancy crap protein powder. ON Whey Gold, ON Casein Gold, whatever you do avoid soy based proteins. i 'm on one a day mens for a multivitamin idk how good or bad it is, i just know i nearly vomit every time i try to swallow the ON multi-vitamin. Other than fish oil it's getting very niche. Like you'll want to cycle on and off argnine and creatine hcl. It will safely make a difference in your workout, neither is a steroid or anything like that. The argnine (no2 or however they brand it) is a vaso dilator that basically fills your arms w/ more blood than is usual. results in better pumps in the short term. I do 1 week of that a month, and 2 weeks of creatine hcl, fish oil always.

but yeah they sell hydro whey, stuff mixed w/ casein and whey, whey mixed w/ creatine etc. Just stick w/ the basic shit w/ the powders.

ab straps, ab wheel, perfect pushup (I have a bench but trust me the rotating motion is insane for muscle confusion and you can just elevate your legs up a wall to increase difficulty. First time you do a 'perfect pushup' you'll be amazed just how much it fucks you up lol.

HIIT- High Intensity Interval Training, so do like a brisk walk 3-3.3 mph for 15 min on an inclined treadmill, switch from that cardio to some lifting sets, and so on. Basically alternate between lifting and cardio throughout your workout. Makes a 30 min workout as effective as a much longer session.

[–] 1 pt

That's pretty in-depth! Thanks for that advice, I'll start checking things out now.

[–] 0 pt

Wait, Optimum Nutrition is a brand. My bad.

[–] 1 pt

fishoil also, lots of stretching

[–] 1 pt

dont quit.. ever. i am of the opinion that all a man really needs is pushups, pullups, situps, and cardio.

[–] 1 pt

Youtube has all kinds of shit about this.

I also think you should start at home. Buy some weights, barbell, dumbells, and a bench.

Supplements, creatine and whey powder.

[–] 0 pt

Practice on the fat chicks, always wrap it up.

[–] 1 pt

Not the type of advice I was looking for, but it's much appreciated even if I'll never put it into practice.

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