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I fucked up my elbow joint so I decide to take 3 weeks off to give it time to heal and now I'm back lifting, it seems that I have recovered almost entirely. Feels good.

I have been talking about 5g Vitamin C few times every week and I believe it has contributed to my recovery a lot.

I didn't lose any strength, which is great. I will just pick up where I left of, but take it easy.

What have Poalrs been up to regarding keeping themselves fit for the upcoming struggle?

I fucked up my elbow joint so I decide to take 3 weeks off to give it time to heal and now I'm back lifting, it seems that I have recovered almost entirely. Feels good. I have been talking about 5g Vitamin C few times every week and I believe it has contributed to my recovery a lot. I didn't lose any strength, which is great. I will just pick up where I left of, but take it easy. What have Poalrs been up to regarding keeping themselves fit for the upcoming struggle?

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

I should build a Gym. Ive not done enough to keep in shape but have been working on it. Body weight exercises, crunches, push-ups, etc.

[–] 1 pt

At least get some dumbbells. Not expensive and you can do a lot with them.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Yeah, I have an old set that ive had for decades.. Need to get more though.

Do you have any experience with those "adjustable" ones? I have some space but I like things that dont take up 1/3 of a room if possible. I don't really have a "formal" gym area at home but might have some space I could use for one. More things to work on.

[–] 1 pt

I've never used the adjustable kind but they look nice enough. The drawbacks as I see them are the cost and inability to use the weight plates for other things. As long as that isn't an issue for you, I'd say go for it.

[–] 1 pt

I fucked up my elbow joint

Doing what? I have had a persistent small bit of elbow trouble as well. It hurts doing weird things, like deadlifting, so I am not sure what to make of it.

Do you wrap your elbow joint or do anything else to take care of it?

Also, are there any annoying minorities at the gyms in Europe?

[–] 1 pt

Doing what?

It's an old injury from a fight (I won) years ago. I overextended my elbow then self treated it with BPC-157 which has cured me almost entirely when (((Dr))) told me it's fucked for good. It was good all this time then I fucked it up again in the gym, probably by pushing too hard for reps on my deadlifts.

I decide to try and treat it with high dose Vit C this time, which worked great, I didn't use any supporting wraps.

Also, are there any annoying minorities at the gyms in Europe?

The gym I go to is out of town and used to be all White, until (((they))) filled surrounding hotels with fake refugees from Africa. Now it's niggers everywhere, and directly out of Africa. They are all overly passive-aggressive and go out of their way to block up everything, leaving water bottles and other stuff all over the place. I always move it and dong give a crap about them, none of them had any balls to say anything other that give me angry ape looks. There is a few pajeets now too, but they are more like a comic relief. Watched one get trapped under a 60kg bench press. Hilarious.

I'm closing in on 135# bench which is significant for me

[–] 1 pt

That pounds or kg?

[–] 1 pt

A bit over a month ago I overexerted myself while trying to open a jar and injured my wrist. Instead of taking immediate care I kept working out like a dumbass for a week after the incident, which caused it to worsen. It got bad enough to the point where it would wake me up in the middle of the night. I haven't really lifted since then, but have started a cardio routine earlier this week that I plan to stick to for the next 3 months. Hopefully by then my wrist will have fully healed and I'll have good endurance built up to hit the gym hard.

It's good that you haven't lost any strength. I haven't been so lucky. What little gains I managed to make while going to the gym seems to have left me in the last month. I gained about 4 lbs of mass, then lost all 4 lbs after the injury. =(

[–] 1 pt

Get yourself some Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) powder and drink 5 grams in a glass of water (1 level teaspoon) before bed. Vitamin C is really great for joints and any sickness overall, you will probably feel it's getting better in the morning. You can take same amount of Vitamin C every day, if your body has enough you will probably get a bit of a loose stool as it is how body gets rid of excess Vit C - you can't overdose on it really.

You will eventually be able to find a dose that works for you and will not have to worry about taking too much. There is some stuff about high dose Vitamin C posted on Poal too, try searching for it.

[–] 1 pt

>I fucked up my elbow joint That's quite relatable lmao, I got tossed on the floor in a friendly scuffle on my buddy's bd, landing on an elbow was a mistake. Well, it feels fine now, at least.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I've been keeping up with my lifting. So many benefits. More energy, better mood, looking fit, and being strong. What is not to like?

Recently I've started doing some sprint training. I'll do 200 yards jogging, 100 yards sprinting, and then 100 yards walking. Rinse and repeat until I've had enough, lol. It's been a nice addition to my routine.

Speaking of injuries I aggravated my AC joint pretty bad a couple years ago. It set me back for awhile.

[–] 1 pt

Sprinting is great, I used to do it during summer months. Now my cardio is mostly boxing bag work after lifting, but I really should force myself to go for a run at least once per week.

[–] 1 pt

I've used a jump rope in the past but I think I like the sprinting better.

[–] 1 pt

I had a bad elbow injury and they told me it would take six months for recovery. I cut that down to four weeks. Threw a frisbee for the dog once and realized it was the perfect motion. Absolute best rehab ever.

I am wondering whatever happened to swole acceptance. Back in the old reddit days.

[–] 0 pt

swole acceptance

LOL I remember that one, was a good laugh.

I no longer go to doctors or trust their advice. I've had a lot better success by researching stuff and healing myself.

[–] 1 pt

Pepe doesn't have a reflection. Is this undead Pepe? Also, nice gym. Ceiling could be higher for muscle ups but not bad.