See if they are willing to get you a couple of bags of fluids to administer and show you how to do that. Even early before the appointment. It can make a big difference in quality of life at the end. It is really hard at this point but they deserve kindness.
Sometimes a vet-tech will let you come in to see them doing it for another person's friend (if they allow it) so you know what to do. Depends on where you live though.
I am sorry to hear what you are going through but you are doing your best.
I’ll call again in the morning. Thanks for the heads up.
She’s such a tough girl and a good girl. Never has made a peep even when she has been stepped on by accident. Doesn’t whine. Was never picky. Always at my dad’s side. I’ve shared that she probably saved him when dad passed out in the bathroom from lithium poisoning from his meds.
I talked to dad just now about needing to tell me the plan when it is time. We have super hard turf here. A lot of rocks in the ground. And it is winter. We had a good talk.
We have a bit of land and plenty of space to bury her when the time comes. He asked me to test some digging in a good spot. That’s all I wanted to hear is what he wanted me to do.
She will be wrapped in her favorite blanket and have a spot.
Poor baby. I love her so much.
It's always heartbreaking. Been through it more times than I would like but it will be ok. You will be ok. She knows how much she is loved.
We always did that too. Favorite blanket and a marker to remember.
If you have to contend with frost in the ground, I found that hot water helps the most when hand digging through frost. Also, save the large rocks to put on top of the body to help keep other animals from digging her up and to help keep the frost from lifting her to the surface after many years. We get deep frost where I live, I bury pets at least 3ft deep, rocks on top of the body, soil (or more rock) on top of the rocks.
Thank you.