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jews win regardless. Might as well stay home and complain about it for 4 more years. That'll show those pesky jews...

> jews win regardless. Might as well stay home and complain about it for 4 more years. That'll show those pesky jews...

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

I think many of the lurkers and lower interaction Poalrs might notice it but fear retribution for calling it out. Most of the Qtards (I say that with much affection, like Deplorables, Irredeemables, Garbage) were driven out after Crensch disappeared, their protected s/QPatriots was closed and archived, s/QStorm became open season on Qtards by the rest of the site. That example had a chilling effect on those who do not fully align with the apparent general concensus here. And that concensus is that the jews own Trump so Orange Man Bad. I'll stick to my opinion that Trump is simply using the jews to accomplish what must be done to make America Great Again and see where it takes me (usually into an interesting no-win debate). I've endured a lot of blowback for expressing my opinion but have seen nothing of real substance offered that convinces me to change it. I get a lot of ridicule for supporting Trump. In time, much, much more than "2 more weeks", I expect to be vindicated. If proven wrong then we were much more fucked than I ever imagined and these years debating it were all for naught.

[–] 2 pts

I'll stick to my opinion that Trump is simply using the jews to accomplish what must be done to make America Great Again

I hope you are right but, I'm not sure he's that based. However I do believe he will put America interests above Israel's.