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[–] 6 pts

Thing is some Poalrs want to accelerate because the cockroaches have been infesting the country for too long and just removing (aka voting them out) a few at a time isn't fixing the infestation. They believe it is time to remove the pest once and for all (like you do with home sealing).

[–] 3 pts

I think America has accelerated enough at this point to show the people this is definitely not the direction we want, Trump offers a reset to restore this country to its founding values before we hit the brick wall at the end of the road we have been traveling. We The People have seen enough, don't need any more convincing. Trumps numbers should be a testament to that by end of day.

[–] 1 pt

No the u.s. hasn't hit low enough yet... Follow what's been happening here in Canada the last few years... Up here the effects of the communist parties are just starting to be felt by the hard core liberal areas.

Most prices are almost 2x what they were before COVID, house prices in urban areas are 2x to 4x what they were, yet salaries have barely budged. The younger generation has already come to grips with not being able to afford a house in their lifetime (or at least not for another 20-30 years). Line ups at food banks are at their longest now, and homelessness is quickly growing. Our prices are scheduled to grow higher each year as a "carbon tax" attached to our energy bills keeps increasing, and retail chains are just passing the increased cost of goods to the consumer.

Combine this with recent revelations that high ranking members of gov't were caught running scams, diverting hundreds of millions of dollars to their own businesses.

I haven't even touched on the broken health system, the uncovered election interference from China (there are even Chinese police stations running here illegally), or the hate speech laws passed recently.

Most of the country is pissed, but IMO not enough. Most are demanding an election NOW (ours do not have a fixed schedule like the u.s. has) to kick these guys to the curb. The Federal police (RCMP) are dragging their asses investigating.

The liberal party is now fracturing with over 20 members demanding trudeau step down, but they have no legals means to force him. A blessing in disguise, the narcissist trudeau jammed the communist juice down everyone's throat so hard that even long standing, hard core liberal ridings have flipped to conservative in recent by-elections.

So, no, judging by the polls in the u.s. it looks like the illusion is still quite strong there...you guys have a long way to go before hitting a point where some hero will emerge that everyone will follow.

[–] 1 pt

Fingers crossed America gets it right in 2024 while we still have a constitution and Bill of Rights. Otherwise, we may never be able get this country back after the communists begin destroying our God given protections for 4 more years. Trump's coalition of notable democrats, Libertarians and Conservatives is the American way, an unbeatable combination of the best from all parties that eant to Make America Great Again. We will not get another chance like this.

I am confident we will succeed, in the end God wins.

[–] 2 pts

If that is your stance I can respect it. Although I disagree.

I'm just not sure everyone who is anti-Trump understands that is the path they are advocating for.

[–] 2 pts

That's not my stance, but I can see it as a way to stop going back and forth into a jewish mess that's been going on for decades now.

[–] 2 pts

I can see it as a way to stop going back and forth into a jewish mess that's been going on for decades now.

I fail to see how a Harris admin would work to this goal.