I didn't need this
There are some of y'all I'd have your back on in a firefight, and Face here is one of 'em despite it all
Who does everyone think invented /s/OCHOdePOAL after all?
I know you didn't. However, I get bored easily, you're my friend, and I'm sick of anyone talking shit bout you. Simple as. It's like the cockroaches have seen you're posting/commenting less and want to attack you. Real life > internet. You do whatever you need to do and know you have friends that don't forget.
Who does everyone think invented /s/OCHOdePOAL after all?
/u/HansWormhat of course! kek!
only true Poalrs remember Hans lmao thanks for the kek
only true Poalrs remember Hans lmao thanks for the kek
it was the best of times. it was the worst of times. it was certainly mostly times.
(post is archived)