Similar scenario for me yesterday. Was driving through the rich suburbs just after midnight. Bunch of boomers decided to have a meeting in the middle of the road, probably just got dropped of by taxi from a night out.
Completely ignoring my approaching car, didn't want to blast a horn since it was late so I blinked the lights a few times and they started waddling away.
One fat toad looking bitch decided to move just enough to the side to let me pass slowly, she was near driver window and just stared in my face with arms spread in like "WTF who do you think you are" gesture.
I stopped by her, showed her the finger and casually drove off. The expression on her face was priceless, you could see she never had anyone act like this towards her before, completely shocked in disbelief. No yelling or gestures after me, they all just quickly shuffled towards their houses. Made my day.
(post is archived)