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He can't stay on topic. She is overacting to him in a clearly rehearsed way. Neither one of them will just answer the question.

He can't stay on topic. She is overacting to him in a clearly rehearsed way. Neither one of them will just answer the question.
[–] 4 pts

It's pretty obviously rigged for Kabala. She's rehearsed her answers, so she got the questions in advance. The moderators are interrupting Trump but not Kabala.

[–] 1 pt

She had to take five straight days of nothing but debate prep. How does that inspire confidence in someone?

[–] 1 pt

It shouldn't, but the way it is presented it comes across that she's working hard for the debate. It's like studying in school, if you know the material, you don't need to study but review it. She spent 5 days preparing for a debate, that shows she isn't genuine. If you are genuine in your beliefs, opinions and ideas, you don't need 5 minutes of prep time.

[–] 3 pts

I think Trumps age is getting to him, along with his pride. Way back in yesteryear of 2015/16, he was able to stay somewhat on topic. But even just listening to someone else in the house watch it and bitch (exclusively about Trump of course, because he's "a sexist pig" therefore nothing he does is good and Kamala is the best!!!! Seriously, at least hate him for valid reasons that aren't made up bullshit.) he won't focus on anything.

Kamala is a street shitter woman and can't speak coherently, so who cares what the fuck she says.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

It's not that he can't stay on topic, he doesn't want to. It's partly why he's popular and also frustrating.

It was however the best movie of 2024. Oscar worthy performances from everyone, including the moderators and supporting broadcast anchors. The whole event was a AAA Hollywood production.

Kamala was the most cogent and well spoken I've ever heard, and Trump was even a little bit restrained.

Candidates aside I applaud the moderators for their judicious use of control and asking what appeared to be legitimate questions of them from both sides and allowing multiple brief rebuttals from both. It still was a clown show and a far cry from debates of old, but I watched the whole 2 hours, there was never a dull moment.

Maybe next time we'll get Deadpool & wolferine- as moderators, that would be cool

[–] 2 pts

And so help me God, if she starts another sentence with "Understand..." I'm going to scream.

[–] 2 pts

What did you expect - some form of meaningful discourse?

Its all circus - that's why I watch next to none of it.

[–] 2 pts

It's why I don't watch any of it. I don't recall a single debate where the GOP candidate won this century and I maintain that the debates are no longer for us, but for the neckbeards on campuses all across the country/globe.

[–] 2 pts

They both slobbered all over each other to see who could get on their knees faster for Israel.

The one thing they both agreed on

[–] 2 pts

He just refuses to answer a single question. It's irritating. And the "moderators" are skewing their phrasing to benefit her and make him look bad. They have done it multiple times.

[–] 1 pt

Considering that the topics are blatantly rigged, it's like griping that you "refuse to answer a single question" when the cops ask "when did you stop beating your wife?" or "do you have any regrets about false accusation from the cops"

[–] 2 pts

They did phrase things pretty much like that some of the time. However, there were many direct questions: How would you handle THIS situation? And he just would NOT answer, it was infuriating.

[–] 2 pts

Do any examples come to mind? The only direct refusal to answer was a Federal abortion bill, which as he correctly pointed out was implausible. It's like asking "Would you veto a Federal bill repealing SSI"...a thing which is a political impossibility.

[–] 2 pts

Moderators are fact checking Trump and not the vp bitch. Tough to watch but I knew it would be.

[–] 2 pts

Propagandists gonna propagandize

[–] 1 pt

They were able to say they didn't share the questions with the parties because it was actually the dems that supplied the questions to the moderators.

Regardless, these debates moderated by state media are always worthless because it's really an interrogation in disguise... The moderators are debating too and always have the last word.

[–] 0 pt

Had to turn it off. All bullshite, all set up, all theater.

[–] 0 pt

Kamala was so stupid and smug. It was painful. Trump kept bringing up immigration randomly and Harris kept bringing up abortion.

Harris's path to victory was attracting moderates and Republicans who don't necessarily like Trump but don't hate him, and she used it as a platform to bash Trump. The only people Harris appealed to are people who are first and foremost wanting to stop Trump, which is why the liberal media is so excited about her performance. They don't care what happens after Jan 6th, 2025, they just want to make sure it's not Trump.

[–] 0 pt

She sucks willies dick; he sucks the jew dick.. but I didn't watch.. did I miss anything?

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