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We talked for awhile, and spoke of @Suplex and many other things.

She told me that she had spent much of the weekend crying, and today was the first day she hadn't cried, but she began to cry while I was speaking to her on the phone.

She told me that Dog is okay, or safe, at least. Dog was in the house with him when he died. It is unclear how long he was dead before she found him, but it seems like more than a few hours, so Dog was with in the house with him for awhile while @Suplex was dead.

She told me that when she was first banging on the door, Dog looked to be running back and forth, from the door to something important, trying to show her.

When she finally got the door open, dog rushed out to use the bathroom. He is a good boy. Then dog went back to Suplex's side.

Also, Dog really didn't like it when they came to take away the body.

Regardless, Dog is well and his sister will hold onto him for right now. She already has two dogs, she is not sure if she can handle a third, but in the event she can't keep him, @Suplex's nephew will take custodianship of Dog.

She also told me that @Suplex was at the funeral home, and he was to be cremated. She said their would be no service, as these were @Suplex's wishes. And I get the idea that @Suplex did piss a lot of people off.

This does not quite sit right with me, and I think @Suplex deserves to have some sort of memorial.

I brought up the topic of a stone. Not a gravestone, since he is to be cremated, but perhaps a small stone saying a few words about him, how much we was loved, how much he will be missed. I asked if there was any appropriate land to put it on.

She said they have much familial land, including where he was living.

Many people here have offered to help his family in some way, and I think this is the best way we can help. I think when I first spoke with his sister, she thought I was one random friend from the internet, and honestly was weirded out by it.

I think she is still weirded out a little, because I have not mentioned the name of the forum. I am uncertain if it is a good idea, she has my full identity. But I will figure out what to do about this in time.

Regardless, I think we should crowd-fund a small stone for to remember @Suplex.

I do not know how to do this, so I am going to defer to you guys, specifically @AOU, on if he has any ideas on how this will best be accomplished.

I don't think it will be terribly expensive, maybe $500.00 or so, but I have also never purchased a gravestone in Texas.

Also she said we can use 'Fuck' in the engraving, because apparently it was his favorite word. I can confirm this.

Regardless, other fun facts about @Suplex I gleamed from the conversation:

He spent a good amount of his childhood in Spain, and developed a lifelong love affair with reading, because he couldn't understand TV in Spanish.

He was extremely intelligent, and tested very highly in school. I think this fact is sometimes lost on people, because if you read his posts, he seemed like a retarded hick. And in many ways, he was a retarded hick. But talking to him on the phone, you could see the intelligence shine through. He was genuinely curious about everything, and his reading habit was quite insane.

He just had a shitty way of wording things, and didn't look read news or analysis on the internet all the time. This can appear to be retardation, but in reality, the man was outside and had chicken coops to build. He was smarter than most of us.

And finally, @Suplex was the person who cared for his dying Mother in her final years of life, until she died in 2023. I didn't know about that, but I found it really touching.

Regardless, let me know if you have any questions, or advice.

I think we should get them a stone.

We talked for awhile, and spoke of @Suplex and many other things. She told me that she had spent much of the weekend crying, and today was the first day she hadn't cried, but she began to cry while I was speaking to her on the phone. She told me that Dog is okay, or safe, at least. Dog was in the house with him when he died. It is unclear how long he was dead before she found him, but it seems like more than a few hours, so Dog was with in the house with him for awhile while @Suplex was dead. She told me that when she was first banging on the door, Dog looked to be running back and forth, from the door to something important, trying to show her. When she finally got the door open, dog rushed out to use the bathroom. He is a good boy. Then dog went back to Suplex's side. Also, Dog really didn't like it when they came to take away the body. Regardless, Dog is well and his sister will hold onto him for right now. She already has two dogs, she is not sure if she can handle a third, but in the event she can't keep him, @Suplex's nephew will take custodianship of Dog. She also told me that @Suplex was at the funeral home, and he was to be cremated. She said their would be no service, as these were @Suplex's wishes. And I get the idea that @Suplex did piss a lot of people off. This does not quite sit right with me, and I think @Suplex deserves to have some sort of memorial. I brought up the topic of a stone. Not a gravestone, since he is to be cremated, but perhaps a small stone saying a few words about him, how much we was loved, how much he will be missed. I asked if there was any appropriate land to put it on. She said they have much familial land, including where he was living. Many people here have offered to help his family in some way, and I think this is the best way we can help. I think when I first spoke with his sister, she thought I was one random friend from the internet, and honestly was weirded out by it. I think she is still weirded out a little, because I have not mentioned the name of the forum. I am uncertain if it is a good idea, she has my full identity. But I will figure out what to do about this in time. Regardless, I think we should crowd-fund a small stone for to remember @Suplex. I do not know how to do this, so I am going to defer to you guys, specifically @AOU, on if he has any ideas on how this will best be accomplished. I don't think it will be terribly expensive, maybe $500.00 or so, but I have also never purchased a gravestone in Texas. Also she said we can use 'Fuck' in the engraving, because apparently it was his favorite word. I can confirm this. Regardless, other fun facts about @Suplex I gleamed from the conversation: He spent a good amount of his childhood in Spain, and developed a lifelong love affair with reading, because he couldn't understand TV in Spanish. He was extremely intelligent, and tested very highly in school. I think this fact is sometimes lost on people, because if you read his posts, he seemed like a retarded hick. And in many ways, he was a retarded hick. But talking to him on the phone, you could see the intelligence shine through. He was genuinely curious about everything, and his reading habit was quite insane. He just had a shitty way of wording things, and didn't look read news or analysis on the internet all the time. This can appear to be retardation, but in reality, the man was outside and had chicken coops to build. He was smarter than most of us. And finally, @Suplex was the person who cared for his dying Mother in her final years of life, until she died in 2023. I didn't know about that, but I found it really touching. Regardless, let me know if you have any questions, or advice. I think we should get them a stone. -

(post is archived)

[–] 24 pts

Regardless, I think we should crowd-fund a small stone for to remember @Suplex.

It has to say “Fuck all yall”. This is the only way.

[–] [deleted] 12 pts

Poalrs will make pilgrimages to the suplex stone

[–] 8 pts

Just that, with his avatar pic. Classic

[–] 5 pts

It's only correct. I think that thought would make him happy as well.

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

Thanks for the follow up. You're a good person to take point on this for us.

[–] 21 pts

The first time someone tells you

Fuck all yall

You take offence.

The second time someone tells you

Fuck all yall

You don't take them seriously.

The third time someone tells you

Fuck all yall

You start to appreciate it

The forth time someone tells you

Fuck all yall

You begin to understand that you need humility, not arrogance

And the final time, this person says

Fuck all yall

You being to wonder if anyone will ever speak the Truth again...

[–] 4 pts

Eventually fuck all Y'all becomes a term of endearment.

[–] 9 pts

Well, count me in. Ill help fund something like this. Could even make a few of them to put around the country and if it feels "right" in a way place a couple in a "geocache" area to be found with his name and a quote or two from him. Maybe he would have gotten a laugh about random people finding a stone with his online handle and a "Fuck yall" on it. He had a interesting sense of humor.

I don't know if that is something he would want though. You would be a better judge of that. Maybe no geocache but just placed somewhere remote and quiet that could be stumbled on by someone at random.

Add me to the list @Theodore_Kent

[–] 8 pts

I'm in on the stone purchase. He was a cool dude. I'd vote for just his avatar pic with @Suplex at the top and Fuck All Yall underneath it. The Stone maker has to know to NOT put an apostrophe in Y'all, it has to say Yall. This was his way.

[–] 7 pts

Thank you for the update on things.

Was interesting to hear the anecdotes about Suplex, shows a whole other dimension to his character.

RIP, Suplex, and good luck to Dog.

Thanks again, Theo, you're a very thoughtful person.

[–] 4 pts

Yea agreed.

Thanks Theo.

RIP Suplex, GL to Dog.

[–] 7 pts

Thanks for being the lead Theo, following up and keeping us informed. I wish they had a family plot in a cemetery, urns can be buried in cemeterys. In my area a plot can be used for up to 6 urns or a single vault.

Where ever he is buried, @Suplex family might want to consider room for Dog's ashes to be buried beside or mixed with @Suplex's ashes when Dog's day comes. My Aunt requested this of me when she passed away 23 years ago. Her dog (ironically named) "Puppy" lived another 2 years after she died. A couple of her friends from AZ flew up here to Maine to visit that fall and they were with me to witness my aunt and Puppy's final reunification. @Suplex may not have requested this, but had he had the time to think of it, I think he might have liked the idea given how much he loved Dog, and Dog loved him. I'll gladly donate some money toward the stone. I would love to see an image of Dog on the headstone too. If they chose to bury him on family land, maybe we could buy a tree or perennial flowering bush to add some perpetual life to the plot.

[–] 4 pts

Thank you, I am going to pass on the very many well-wishes that came from this site to his sister.

I talked to his sister for awhile tonight. It is very good to talk to her.

She is nothing like @Suplex at all, except she is very much like him. Her career was nothing like his, but she insists he was smarter than her.

We will figure out this. I know where to get quotes from, I know where the stone needs to be delivered to.

I don't know the best way to anonymously raise money from anonymous donors.

I talked to @AOU, I don't know how much the total stone will cost, but I am guessing it will be much less than $500, depending on delivery charges and such, but I know I will throw down $100.

@AOU told me another surprising fact about @Suplex.

He was apparently the number one donor to Boob's family after he died. So, any donations after the price of the stone and delivery will go to Boobs' surviving family.

I don't know, let me know if this plan makes sense.



[–] 2 pts (edited )

I was thinking about money collecting. What if - someone set up an anonymous PO box for a month or two that we could send money orders to? Would that provide a reasonable level of anonymity? The money orders could be made out to "Cash" I guess, otherwise the recipient would need to show ID when cashing them. Just spitballing ideas...

Suplex PO Box 123456 Hometown, TX

[–] 2 pts

As Owen Benjamin showed, when you are cut off from everything else, there's still the post office.

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Though I only one him through this forum I like @Suplex. I'd kick in a lil for a stone if there is a clean way to do it

Edit: liked :(

[–] 8 pts

Humility is the hardest, and most important, character trait to preserve throughout your life.

When I was living in the shittiest sober house you could imagine, the only redeeming quality of that place was the cat.

It was a good cat, I liked the cat, I was friendly with the cat.

And the cat liked me.

But the cat didn't respect me.

Every morning, as I was leaving for work, and walking down the stairs, the cat would position itself inside of the second floor banisters, in a place where he could wack/swat at my head a few times while I left.

I couldn't swat back at him, my hand wouldn't easily fit though the gap in the banisters, so the cat knew he was immune from retaliation.

He knew he could fuck with me, and I couldn't do shit about it.

It was actually very good for me, at the time. I needed to humbled.

I needed to know that the world, much like the cat, doesn't think shit of me, and outside forces can fuck with me at any time, and I am powerless over them.

It helped me a lot.

@Suplex reminded me a lot of that cat.

[–] 5 pts

God bless you. God bless suplex. God bless Poal. These posts have all been really touching.

[–] 5 pts

Thanks for the update and the stories. Happy to chip in for the stone if the family doesn't mind.

[–] 5 pts

I've been MIA on these threads, but anything I can say about Suplex is just words at this point. I never really interacted with him and always thought him a bit crazy. Reading what you have had to say about him and hearing your experiences has turned him into a real person instead of just his wild persona. It's sad to lose a brethren who shares our general beliefs. I hope he rests in peace and Dog gets the care he deserves. I never knew him, but do feel emotional about his loss even if that seems irrational.

[–] 4 pts

It is weird, right?

There is the personality you project online, which is always going to be a weird, distorted meme of yourself.

And then if you talk on the phone, you understand there is a real person behind that screen, and the personality you ascribed him isn't quite right.

And then he fucking dies, and you talk to his sister, and she gives you the weirdest perspective of all.

He was not what he seemed at all.

[–] 5 pts

I would like to take a moment to say how much I appreciate all of you. You Guys aren't quite the A-Holes the ones on Voat were, but nobody's perfect. So in the Name of our fallen comrade ...Fuck All Yall!

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