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I just talked to him a few days before and he seemed fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then I get the call from his sister my mom. (Trying to get info right but everything blends together.) It was actually the wife but she didn't tell me. She just said I needed to call my mom.

Shot himself. His sister is absolutely broken right now. She should have never been the one to find him. The rest of his family is complete usless trash. They just want to cremate him because it's the cheapest option. That sent his sister into full mental breakdown. She wants a burial but can't afford it. I'm trying to come up with something but right now I'm lucky I was even able to get my company to dispatch me home to help her. She told me, "You have know idea how much love he had for you." and that broke me.

I grew up with this guy. We've been friends since we were 12. Played basketball together. Video games. Arrested together for being idiots. You name it.

I just can't wrap my mind around why he fucking did it. I'm gonna miss that faggot.

Sorry for the jumbled mess. I'm still kinda out of it.

I just talked to him a few days before and he seemed fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then I get the call from ~~his sister~~ my mom. (Trying to get info right but everything blends together.) It was actually the wife but she didn't tell me. She just said I needed to call my mom. Shot himself. His sister is absolutely broken right now. She should have never been the one to find him. The rest of his family is complete usless trash. They just want to cremate him because it's the cheapest option. That sent his sister into full mental breakdown. She wants a burial but can't afford it. I'm trying to come up with something but right now I'm lucky I was even able to get my company to dispatch me home to help her. She told me, "You have know idea how much love he had for you." and that broke me. I grew up with this guy. We've been friends since we were 12. Played basketball together. Video games. Arrested together for being idiots. You name it. I just can't wrap my mind around why he fucking did it. I'm gonna miss that faggot. Sorry for the jumbled mess. I'm still kinda out of it.

(post is archived)

[–] 8 pts

Sometimes life closes in, and you don’t feel like you have any options……….

I hate to hear you’re hurting, and I hate to know that we lost a good one. My condolences.

[–] 6 pts

It certainly doesn't help when all western governments have made it their mission to make the lives of all their law-abiding citizens utter fucking hell day after day, year after year. Especially if you are white and male.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Yeah…. I’m not going to lie, I’ve struggled with dark thoughts. It’s such a helpless feeling to watch your way of life crumble before your eyes. I can’t help but look at native Americans. They had their culture, their way of life. White people came with something better, and tamed the land, but did so at the expense of the natives.

Today…we have (((others))) forcing an invasion that is done so at the expense of our lands, our culture, and our people. It is much the same as when we showed up in America, except there is no better culture, better way of life on the back end. My children and the generations that will follow will be treated as second class citizens in the lands our ancestors tamed and in the cities our ancestors built.

And what the fuck can I do? I’m passed over promotions at work because I’m the wrong color. In my own fucking lands. If I say something I’ll be fired. My kids can’t enjoy life as I did as a child…they can’t go roam free, they can’t veg out on movies/tv. They can’t consume anything less than 50 years old lest they be indoctrinated. So I have to shelter them and have to watch it…

Fuck. Sorry…OP is grieving and I’m complaining…. I guess I’ll just say I agree. It’s fucking hard right now. I hate that we are losing people to our own (((self inflicted))) issues. It’s a tragic situation.

[–] 3 pts

This exactly. Legal citizens have less rights and privileges than illegal, greedy, non White scum in White countries because of leftist, libtard idiots trying to virtue signal.

To OP: Sorry for your loss.

[–] 7 pts

My condolences to you and his sister. That's one of life's shockers when someone you know does that and gives no hints or signs of something being different or that this path would be taken. I do hope that you and family won't ruminate about it and second guess yourselves.

Re cremation, can she put his cremated remains at a mausoleum space for cremated remains at the cemetery? That would give her a place to put flowers and a peaceful setting if the cremation with urn in the house or scattering is what is causing her to reject cremation. It might be less expensive than a full casket burial and perhaps acceptable?

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Not a bad idea. Just hard to discuss ideas with her right now, understandably. I wish his family weren't such pieces of shit because, again, she shouldn't have to make these kinds of decisions right now. I'm trying my best to hold her hand but I'm not very close with the family I can't stand his fucking family. Just my buddy and his sister.

[–] 2 pts

I can somewhat relate. My family is complete trash as well. It's hard to deal with a loss and useless parasites at the same time.

[–] 5 pts

Sorry to hear that. Hang in there.

[–] 3 pts

My uncle just took himself out, but he was 78 with no wife or kids and didn't have much else to do other than sit around and rot to death. He moved from one city to another to be closer to my dad. Perhaps that cut him off from his friends and contacts he had prior. He wasn't visiting with my dad much. It still made me feel bad that happened. I'm sure it's way worse with a young/younger person. I'm sorry this happened.

[–] 2 pts

I'm sorry for your loss too. I don't think the age changes much. It's still just as permanent and hurts just as much. Hope you're doing alright.

[–] 1 pt

He wasn't a very active part of my life, but he's been there my whole life. I remember when I got to ride on the back of his motorcycle through the neighborhood. It was just 25mph streets, but I was only about 8. Now he's left me (my brothers and cousins as a group) a nice sum of money, and that's got me feeling all mixed up. I'm currently filling out paperwork to get the second half of it. It's a blessing that will help me out a lot, but I wish I could have received it under different conditions.

[–] 3 pts

I've lost many that were very close. Unless he left a note, on paper or on his technology, there is no way for you to know why.

My aunt did it, left no note, OD. But we all knew why, health issues. I had an old friend from high school do it, no note, was facing divorce. Same with another guy I knew, only he did it in the living room, in front of the whole family as a little fuck you to his wife and daughter.

As far as the burial, it really doesn't matter what the sister wants. The only thing that does matter is what he wanted. Did you ever talk about it in the past?

When I buried my old lady of 15 years, the funeral came out to about 11k. Do you, or her, have good credit? Get a loan.

I wish I had comforting words for you brother. It is the absolute worst when you lose someone close. Mine all come visit me in my sleep not long after. Those aren't just dreams, contrary to what some would have you believe. Ask him what you want to know, if you remember. Stay off drugs and drink for awhile, these will interfere with the visit.

You will also hear people say they are sorry, they feel for you, blah, blah, bullshit to make themselves feel better. Fact is, when it comes to losing people you have a strong bond with, you don't know, you can't relate, unless you have been in that place that I can only describe as utter despair from that kind of a loss.

In that place you learn something. People will sometimes say, we would argue over little things. The most important thing I learned in my voyages to that place is, THERE ARE NO LITTLE THINGS!

That's all I got for you. I'll lift a gless in your boy's honor tonight.

Peace brother.

[–] 2 pts

Mine all come visit me in my sleep not long after. Those aren't just dreams, contrary to what some would have you believe.

That is actually comforting. I'm glad I'm not the only one to experience it. It hasn't happened yet with my buddy, but my last conversation was with my dad in a dream. Sitting on his porch enjoying coffee. I was at the lowest I had ever felt in my life until he invited me to the porch for coffee.

[–] 2 pts

I am sorry for your loss. Deepest condolences. Be the rock his sister needs right now and into the future.

[–] 2 pts

I'm trying. Don't think I've ever seen a person so broken though.

[–] 2 pts

My sincere condolences. I've never dealt with anything like that so I can't imagine your pain. I hope you and your loved ones are able to heal.

[–] 1 pt

I'm sorry for your loss brother. I will keep you and his sister in my prayers. Keep strong in the Lord.

[–] 1 pt

My condolences. Life is hard enough without days like this. Sorry for your loss.

[–] 1 pt

Sorry for your loss. My dad died a few months ago. It was suicide by cop. I know your pain.

He was vaccinated. Began have micro strokes and got diagnosed with fast moving dementia. He was a Vietnam vet. Already had issues with PTSD.

He went into a public place he frequented for 40 years. Placed his gun on the table and told everyone to leave, that he was going to shoot himself. A few of his friends stayed behind to talk him out of it. He apologized to them for scaring them. Removed the clip from his gun and placed each an arms length away. Police got there, entered and shot him thinking he was holding hostages.

[–] 1 pt

I'm so sorry. That's terrible. Vietnam fucked a lot of men up for no good reason.

[–] 1 pt

Prayers... For everyone. There's a lot of darkness right now

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